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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm a poker player but I will never place a wager on an NFL point spread. End of game scenarios just have too much variance.
  2. Fair enough. But I say that Milano makes a couple big plays against Kelce if we play them
  3. As someone who watches only live sports on television and streams everything else, I have to say that commercials for shows on CBS et al just look...awful.
  4. I think it's the case that you can't simultaneously take away Hill and Kelce by shifting resources in both directions. And I'm not even saying that Milano can hold Kelce under 100 yards or anything, just that he's capable of breaking on a couple balls and making a few tackles short of the sticks. Little things that swing games.
  5. Absolutely. I just feel like we're one of the few teams with a specific weapon to do so.
  6. This game goes out to all the "Bills fans" on this board who spent the middle part of the season doom-posting about how Miami was a dominant team.
  7. Going to Tua as the permanent starter was an inexcusable decision. You have a rookie QB who isn't ready for NFL speed and instead of letting him play behind one of the all time great veteran teammates you throw him into the fire and alienate the mentor, all the while kneecapping your playoff chances.
  8. I'm pretty sure the Dolphins aren't going to score 3 TDs and hold the Chiefs scoreless.
  9. The Raiders/Colts game at 4:00 is really important to the fate of those two teams and the Titans, Dolphins and Ravens. To a lesser extent the Bills as a Raiders loss would virtually lock us into the playoffs. The biggest sign of my BBFS is obsessing over games that improve us from 97% chance for the playoffs to 99%
  10. Right on. A Miami loss will make tonight feel like playing with house money.
  11. I'm not particularly a sci fi person so obviously I associate Mark Hamill with Star Wars but I definitely think of Shakespeare and various other things with Stewart before Star Trek springs to mind.
  12. It's scary that KC played their worst half of football and they're still leading another playoff team on the road.
  13. For obvious reasons it's a better sport with fans. But the TV broadcasts are better without.
  14. Absolute duck. That's apparently as far as Tua can throw it since he was able to step up.
  15. The kinetic communication between the gunner and the second tackler to hem the returner in was a thing of beauty. Somewhere Belichick just finished. The Uber Eats commercials hurt my brain. So Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart are in an abandoned warehouse getting ready to beat each other to death with cricket bats, so they order tortellini to fuel up? Is that what's going on? Or is the grudge about the tortellini itself?
  16. Absolutely not trying to be snarky but if you admit that your approach is too conservative, aren't you basically saying you don't agree with your own point?
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