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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Of course the natural ending to that story is finally putting all those life lessons to work and winning! But if we ever did like the Pats and won 3 in 4 years I'd probably not recognize the team as the Bills anymore. Too much for my brain to handle 😆
  2. I get that. Funny thing is, you could argue whomever wins the SB this year will be the most impressive SB winner of all time due to the absurdly high level of default adversity. But in the public memory it will always be the weird season where everything was different.
  3. Would be a huge loss for them. He's unironically their best player.
  4. Well I'm not even suggesting that Lawrence would pull an Eli and refuse to play for them or anything, just that no promising player would want to land on the Jets in their current state. It's a franchise that's showed an embarrassing lack of good judgment. And no, I don't think the 1st overall pick always belongs to a team with awful prospects moving forward. Oftentimes it's a hard luck team or a tremendously inexperienced one. Trust me, I want y'all to bounce back. The NFL season is more entertaining with well played divisional rivalry games. I only want the Pats to go 0-16 each year from now until eternity
  5. I'll rephrase. The player they're tanking for shouldn't want anything to do with them, and I would personally guess he doesn't.
  6. I am genuinely grateful that neither Ralph Wilson nor the Pegulas ever had the lack of self-respect to do what the Jets did this year. Even the 3-13 or 4-12 years were game efforts. The thing is, the player that the Jets are intentionally tanking for wants absolutely nothing to do with the franchise nor does any free agent.
  7. I think he knew he was down by contact but ended up doing a return just in case. I assume this was after the James Washington TD which was a really bad play for Levi. He got spun all the way around.
  8. I don't know who it was but that Steelers player who interrupted the interview seemed genuinely happy that Josh had won and it was like 2 minutes after the final whistle. Honestly I'd be pissed seeing that if I was a Steelers fan.
  9. I feel like trap games exist in other sports where you play another game the next day but not in the NFL. They spend the whole week preparing for the next opponent.
  10. Taron Johnson Diggs Milano Josh Vernon Butler Darryl Williams
  11. This post is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the world.
  12. True. But I don't see Tua coming into what will likely be 15 degree Buffalo and winning.
  13. Unless Belichick really manages to confuse Josh I feel like we'll run the table and get the 2nd seed.
  14. Tre White rarely gets targeted but all he does is make game altering plays. Dawson Knox rarely gets targeted but all he does is make game altering non-plays.
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