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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It was probably the 4th or 5th worst game the Bills have played this season and it still took a miracle. They're not good.
  2. It's still one of the better divisions overall but people were talking earlier like they had four SB contenders and I'm not even certain they have one.
  3. Aside from the fact that it was a regular season game, it's probably the greatest Hail Mary of all time since for the most part those plays only succeed when the ball takes a lucky bounce. I honestly don't mind seeing it especially after we responded with 4 straight (so far) wins.
  4. Yes. Hopkins will be a shoe-in hall of famer and Diggs has taken his first big step toward the same if he sticks with Allen.
  5. Yeah, the lack of a contract doesn't matter. It doesn't present any "intrigue" because it's actually very simple in that if the Bills fumble resigning Josh they will have zero fans left nor any players who would ever willingly play here again.
  6. http://dictionary.pokerzone.com/Freezeout We're both right. Two different definitions.
  7. I got into the game after the online game died for us poor Americans. Isn't a freezeout just any tournament with no rebuys or add-ons regardless of pay structure though?
  8. Best dude in the game. My favorites for playing style are probably Gus Hansen and Vanessa Selbst.
  9. Love it. I can while away whole evenings watching Tony G videos.
  10. That hand is actually played realistically in that Eric Bana is shoving specifically to look polarized (essentially a set, maaaybe 97, or bluffing with air) and Robert Duvall has a combo draw with 15 outs to what he assumes is the best hand since Bana is never making that play with big diamonds. That's a 30% chance of hitting and if the pot odds are any better than 2:1 it's a good call. Not sure how into the game you are but Barry Greenstein and Sammy Farha, two top 50 players of all time if not better, make a cameo here. The big problem with THAT scene is that Duvall is an acting legend compared to Bana and makes him look like a bad community theatre actor. That one is certainly awful too and in that scene Mike McD tells Knish that he didn't get unlucky against Teddy KGB but was outplayed, which is an awful take. Mike's only mistake was playing with his entire bankroll. I still say the Casino Royale scene is worse though because the entire narrative of that film franchise drives at the idea that Bond is an indomitable badass who's better than everyone at everything and at the pivotal moment of the whole film they just show him getting lucky.
  11. Yep. I mean ultimately Le Chiffre's call with A6 is one he has to make (Bond is probably also shoving with 44, 66 and 88 on that board) but that he would smugly assume his hand is best when he's beaten not only by Bond's ridiculous hand but also A8 is unrealistic. My assumption is that the producers of that movie consulted with a poker expert and disregarded the better hand he scripted because like with most bad art they assume their audience is too dumb to understand a more nuanced scenario.
  12. In my mind it's the worst poker scene ever put to film. It's just a massive 4 way cooler but you're supposed to takeaway that Bond somehow...outsmarted them all? The only mistake anybody really makes in that hand is that Bond doesn't fold 75ss pre flop from the small blind in what I assume was a raised pot. Like, why not show Bond making an insane hero call with A high to take down Le Chiffre or something? Edit: Also, just the notion that there's a massively high stakes tournament where ONLY the winner makes any money. Even for the best poker players in the world that's just lighting money on fire.
  13. I feel like it should be reversed since in the movie Bond knows he has the nuts but his opponent snap calls behind three all-ins with only the 3rd nuts.
  14. Why would you pass on the opportunity to give meaningful snaps to the guy who would actually replace Josh if he went down in a playoff game? Barkley's a vet and I'm sure he's prepared but he's taken one snap that mattered all season.
  15. I think it's safe to assume that Terry was behind the pick of Tre White, the greatest cornerback/goaltender in history.
  16. Good point. Terry Pegula will have to murder Brandon Beane.
  17. In the NFL the moment you think you know how it will all play out, the opposite happens.
  18. I think the only fair thing to do is to cut Josh Allen after this season and let Terry pick another QB. If he gets it right a 3rd time in a row you fire Beane to save money.
  19. All over the world people are on their telephone line talking about our wild west hero Josh Allen, a real 21st century man. Don't walk away from the tv when Bills games are on because you don't want to miss a play, do ya? You gotta hold on tight when you watch him make defenses turn to stone. When I think back on his performance against Seattle in particular I can't get it out of my head. Even when the rain is falling in a divisional showdown he plays so fine.
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