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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I became a fan right at the beginning of the drought so the golden thing is that I'll never get over the simple joy of the Bills finishing a game with more points than their opponent. 18 point win over the Chiefs? Amazing. 2-0 win over the Jaguars later this year? Count it, baby. Just win.
  2. Pretty much this. Humans are notoriously bad secret-keepers so whenever there's talk of something conspiratorial the first question I ask myself is "For this to be true, how many people would need to be keeping this secret?". If the answer is any more than a few I consider it a very low percentage chance of being true.
  3. You can tell Snyder is one of those guys who failed with women as a younger man and is now taking out his vitriol now that he has power. No telling what kinds of things he's done.
  4. True. But the gap integrity we've shown so far this year would have him a lot more bottled up than he's been against other teams.
  5. Sure, Ravens are 4-1 but I don't think this one matters much to us in the long run. Ravens face a gauntlet in their division this year. Colts, meanwhile, are down for the count.
  6. It's amazing to me how people are defending Gruden as if he's being threatened with jail time over this or something.
  7. This confused me a bit too but I think you're spot on. And they don't do a reset. I've seen some weird ones like 1st and 9 or even 1st and 1 before in these scenarios.
  8. Some people like to just throw the word "woke" around sardonically as a means of excusing anything. By the way, just because you've heard and said worse doesn't make it alright.
  9. Incidental to all of this, say a little prayer we have McD and not one of the idiot coaches anymore. This exact story could have broken about Rex and probably Marrone.
  10. Just an obvious douchebag his whole career. Good riddance. To those crying cancel culture, people would have been getting fired for this kind of egregious stuff for decades now.
  11. I acknowledged that yesterday's game in particular had more calls in favor of the Chiefs, but the single most pivotal one disfavored them. So the "home cooking" thing is anecdotal to those earlier calls. And I can't say with certainty. It's my opinion that there's nothing substantial behind it. I think it's farfetched to believe that the NFL hands down marching orders for bias in these games.
  12. Ok, perhaps not a questionable call, it was pretty cut and dry by the "no landing with full body weight" rule. That said it's also a flag they could have not thrown and there wouldn't have been a fuss. In real time it was a pretty innocuous looking take down.
  13. 100% agree. They are unacceptably bad. Part of this is because it may be an impossibly difficult job to do well with the real-time scrutiny of multiple angles of instant replay. I wouldn't be surprised if within 10 years we see all officiating done by an eye in the sky, reported by an on field ref.
  14. Still, if that's the case...why would they do that make up call if they wanted the Bills to fail? Most NFL players are about 17 years old mentally and emotionally. The suggestion that thousands and thousands of them keep a secret every year about signing off on rigged game scripts except for Benny Cunningham sending out a tweet is preposterous.
  15. Every single gameday thread there are a massive number of statements about the refs intentionally screwing us over. It was particularly bad yesterday (probably due to our anxieties about the game and the refs being generally worse than usual) but it happens literally every week. Lots of people seemed to think that the NFL wouldn't tolerate the Chiefs falling to 2-3. I'll start by saying that I think a few more bad calls went against us than against the Chiefs. And if they had made a comeback it would have been due in part to getting bailed out on a couple key 3rd downs. Those were bad calls. Here's the thing, though - how could it possibly be true that the refs were instructed to let the Chiefs win when they called that questionable RTP to extend the eventual game-sealing drive? I mean, really think about it. If the refs were being given orders to let the Chiefs win or on Vegas' payroll to make them cover the 2.5 points, the stupidest thing they could possibly do is throw a flag against the Chiefs in that situation on a non-obvious call. In my opinion this call means there was a 0.0% the rigging complaints were true. Now I understand that there's no way to prove things are above board in a professional sporting league. Sketchy stuff happens. I immediately think of the Lakers/Kings series. But I really think our anxieties about this are a projection of small-market insecurity, ie. the NFL thinks they will get more advertising dollars by getting the big city teams in the big games. I don't think we need to worry about this at all based on being small-market. The Bills are in positive headlines perhaps more than any other team these past two seasons and Josh Allen is among the top 5 faces of the league. Take a quick look around national sites and you'll see Josh's face probably 3rd most after Mahomes and Brady. In the NFL the big money is where the popular QBs are. Indianapolis is hardly a glistening metropolis but the Colts were league darlings when Manning was the face of the league. Green Bay is a tiny market even when you consider Milwaukee and the Packers are enormously popular due to always having elite QB play. It's just how it works. The NFL also doesn't have some incentive to make sure that popular teams rack up wins. The discussion about why the Chiefs are struggling is drawing as many eyes and advertising dollars (perhaps more) than them continuing their winning ways. The refs don't do their jobs well but remember Hanlon's Razor - "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
  16. The 6 SBs thing is tilting at windmills. It's been well-documented that the Brady/Belichick tandem was unbelievably lucky as well as good. That said I'm going to predict that Josh's career with the Bills includes no fewer than 2 rings. And yes, he's a god.
  17. There's an incredible buy-in from every single man on this team. Our SB window started late last season and goes for whatever length of time we have McD, Allen and Beane.
  18. We have the same lead we had at halftime and the ball. We got this!
  19. Andre Smith and AJ Klein have some hard work ahead of them. Glad Taron and Poyer are in.
  20. We thought we had it bad for a while but Falcons fans are the most scarred in the league at this point. They blow big leads like nobody else.
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