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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Both 7 seeds are the only two teams that feel like they really don't belong in the playoffs. Not a great look for that rule change so far.
  2. 7 drives for 7 TDs then one drive of kneel downs. So in a sense the Bills got every single yard that they tried to get. That's a perfect game.
  3. Sure there is. Not much of one but every time you think an NFL game is a 100% slam dunk it's really more like 90%.
  4. This is some BS. Players are probably better off having a hobby that they do on their days off and Tua, for as unskilled a QB as I think he is, did materially improve over the course of this season. For some reason golf is always used as a metaphor for negligent laziness but I guarantee you every NFL player has something recreational they do for 3 or 4 hours on off days. Video games seem to be chief among them and that's fine too.
  5. I really think it's more the equivalent of a team signing a journeyman QB because they know the better QBs will be in next year's draft. That said, the Texans organization is just piling up one douchey move after another and it's hard to acquire and keep talent at every level that way.
  6. This is a Houston roster that had a real shot at 1-16 or 0-17 and he went 4-13. If you have an 8-9 roster and go 12-5 you get a multi year extension. I think he comes out of this looking really good and will eventually get another HC opportunity with a club that's not an absolute tire fire.
  7. Not to mention 6 more division games of which we've gone 11-1 since 2020.
  8. Singletary ended up with 1,100 yards from scrimmage, 8 TDs and 4.6 YPC. That's a damn good season on a team that mostly passes the ball.
  9. Yep. Win some, lose some. I didn't think the Jets would look THAT pathetic after almost taking it to the Bucs last week.
  10. He looked pretty hobbled after his reception in the 4th quarter. Ankle injuries are one of those things you play through in the moment with adrenaline but later find out you can barely get your shoe off.
  11. Heh yeah, I realized that and edited. Definitely taking the over.
  12. On Caesar's - Max $100 bet on rookies Lawrence, Wilson and Jones to each have 2 or more passing TDs. At +3300. I'm also betting confidently on the Jets +16.5 line and the Over on our game at 40.5. Both are likely and it's also a nice hedge because it would be relatively hard for the combined score to be less than 41 with the Jets losing by 17.
  13. Exactly. Same as in poker, you make sure your bankroll is an amount of money that doesn't hurt your personal finances if you lose it all. Entertainment expense with a solid chance of profit.
  14. So here's the fascinating Nash Equilibrium element to this. Let's assume for a second that the Colts and Ravens lose AND that the front offices of the Raiders and Chargers have a clandestine conversation where they decide to tie but make it look good so that the NFL competition committee can't reasonably stick them with any punishment. In this scenario both teams would still have the power to break the agreed upon game script, betray the other one late in the game, and deny them the playoffs. Knowing that the other team could betray you would lead you to wanting to get the drop on them and be the betrayer yourself. According to Nash, if the teams could play out infinite iterations of this scenario they would eventually learn to honor their agreement every time as it's the most mutually beneficial to every person involved. But given just one iteration neither team would trust the other to play cooperatively and it would turn back into a competition.
  15. Beane would do well not to trade for players who touched the ball 400 times in a season then immediately started breaking down.
  16. True and Belichick's regular season achilles heel has always been traveling to Miami for some reason.
  17. I'm saying this as someone who's usually excited about developments in analytics...this is awesome and I get a kick out of the ultimate team player and instinct player being genuinely unaware of the eggheads trying to boil the game down to 1 vs 1 matchups.
  18. I think it would be a pretty big one. Miami just had the ultimate letdown after a big build up and the Pats have a lot to play for. Not saying it can't happen but this is more of an 80/20 matchup than a 60/40 one in my opinion.
  19. I'll get used to it but given what I'm used to I just feel like we went 10-6 this year.
  20. Rule #1 of being a GM in a salary cap league is don't spend capital on productivity that you already have in reserve. Beane is a smart guy and knows that Gabe Davis on his rookie deal will be a 1,000 yard receiver next year.
  21. Great topic. Personally, for me anyway, I'd like it if the Bills won the Super Bowl. There, I said it.
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