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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Wow dude, awesome job on that. I think it's safe to say you had everybody fooled.
  2. Hey idiot...You must be one of those really cool guys who stalks opposing teams' message boards and makes irrational claims just to get people aggravated. I hope I can be like you one day, really awesome and all. Why don't you entertain us for a moment and tell us one REAL reason the Raiders could possibly beat the Bills? Something actually football related, please.
  3. But Warner and (to a lesser extent) Collins have both proven at some point in their careers that they can be effective. Frerotte has just never been impressive anywhere he went (7 teams in his career). I wouldn't criticize Childress for replacing Tarvaris with Warner or Collins. Frerotte, on the other hand, is just replacing mediocrity with more mediocrity.
  4. http://www.startribune.com/sports/vikings/...UnciatkEP7DhUsX The Vikings seem to have hit the panic button and replaced starting QB Tarvaris Jackson with 37 year old veteran Gus Frerotte. Now, don't get me wrong, Jackson has had an awful early career and there are A LOT of QBs I'd start over him, but Frerotte is not one of them. He was simply horrid last year replacing an injured Marc Bulger in St. Louis. In my opinion, if you've got two crappy QBs, might as well stick with the one who's young and has some upside.
  5. You really have to respect what Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin have done so far in their careers. Neither of them has above average speed and neither one is ridiculously tall (6-2 for Fitzy and 6-1 for Boldin) but theyre both incredible route runners and YAC machines who seem to have an insatiable desire to find the end zone.
  6. I hope, for your own sake, that you don't mean that.
  7. I think he's definitely underrated, even if it's just in the sense that nobody outside of Buffalo and South Carolina has probably ever heard of the guy. People tend to be aware of Whitner, but not Simpson. Not surprising, given Ko's injury trouble.
  8. If Shanahan went for the 2 in order to give San Diego a second chance, he ought to be fired on the spot. Coaches are paid to guide their teams toward wins no matter the circumstance. But in any case, that's not what happened. Like a previous poster and Tuesday Morning Quarterback noted, the chances of scoring on a 2-point conversion are roughly 50-50. The chances of winning in overtime (especially when the teams are so evenly matched) are 50-50. Shanahan probably figured, "Why leave this game up to a coin toss?" Going for 2 in this situation doesn't decrease your odds of winning, it just makes it SEEM worse if you fail. Congrats to Shanahan for having the cojones to do that. And furthermore, it's brave in another way. If you go for 2 and fail, the coach gets blamed. If you head to overtime and lose, the players get blamed. He was putting the onus on himself as head coach, something that many don't do because they are afraid of getting bashed in the media.
  9. That definitely happened, but it was John McCargo not Marcus Stroud with the penetration on that play. Just thought I'd point that out to give credit where credit is due.
  10. But isn't that one of the things that's supposed to make America great? We don't leave any of our people high and dry just because of their circumstances. We're supposed to me a melting pot, but so many people are interested in forcing all to speak the same tongue. Like I said, America does NOT have an official national language. Who's to say that English is any more deserving than Spanish to be our language of choice? In a few years time, that question may have to be seriously answered. Ideally, we might find ourselves in a similar situation to Canada, where things are simply printed in English and French.
  11. Dammit, I wanted to stay in the AFC East this season, I liked the easy schedule.
  12. The funny part is, this wasn't part of some stupid elaborate celebration, like the flip he did in that high school game. I wouldn't classify this one as cocky so much as it was just really really dumb.
  13. That is not my point. I'm saying that you don't know what it feels like to have people criticize you for not fluently knowing a second language. A language is a very difficult thing to learn, especially if you start as an adult. Why are they responsible for learning English and being able to communicate with us and not the other way around? I believe that Spanish speakers making a concerted effort to learn English would be positive for our society. But English speakers have to take the exact same step and learn Spanish. We shouldn't be espousing a double standard like this, particularly with the changing landscape of American demographics.
  14. The United States of America has no official language. The Hispanic people of this nation have the right to speak THEIR native language in both social and professional situations. By law, their children have the right to be taught in Spanish as well. Research shows that by the year 2030, whites will no longer be a majority in this country. In other words, there may come a time when you have to defend your own right to speak English. Would you appreciate it if Hispanic people tried to strong-arm you into speaking Spanish?
  15. I desire only repentance after this mortal sin. How many Hail Marys do I say?
  16. I think that some interesting comparisons can be made between the Bills of this year and the Patriots of 2001, a team that many have probably forgotten was very respectable and a great underdog story. We both have the young quarterback who didn't do much in college but who seems to have the "it" factor, a guy who doesn't raise too many eyebrows with the casual NFL fan but who plays with great efficiency and rarely makes the big mistake. We both have solid defenses that don't have any superstars but who quitely do their jobs day in and day out. The New England secondary was decimated by the end of that season and anonymous guys just stepped up. To the average fan, it doesn't get too much more anonymous than Jabari Greer and Ko Simpson. We both won't be lighting up the highlight reel with a 45 point victory (besides maybe against the Chefs), but we'll (hopefully) continue to win games the entire way through due to good focus and camaraderie. The hallmark of Belichick's defenses, dating back to 2001 is using confusion to intimidate the opposition. I saw alot of that in Week 1, not so much in Week 2, but don't be surprised if we return to using The Creep during the rest of the season. I know it's not a perfect comparison, but I think it's legit nonetheless. Any thoughts?
  17. Oh come on, you're telling me you don't get annoyed by front running fans who notice we're 2-0 after picking up a paper Monday morning and then start saying "We look pretty good this season", even though they probably can't name any more than 5 starters? That's not a real fan, sir.
  18. Haha Tutan Reyes, what a joke. I remember Reyes and Mike Gandy giving me a weekly headache back in the day.
  19. 82-0 huh? That sounds like the Sabres' record in this upcoming season...
  20. It says the boy was 15 years old as well. That's not statutory rape, it's just kids messing around. I'm not sure if statutory rape was what you were implying, but I thought I'd point that out.
  21. Bandwagon fans who casually refer to teaam as "we" among real fans of the team
  22. Like I said, Peters allowed 6 sacks. Brad Butler allowed 1. Furthermore, we had much greater success running to the right side than the left side last year (Fairchild was just too dumb to realize it). So now, you give me some evidence as to why Peters is the best O-lineman on the team. Because he made the Pro Bowl? That's not reason enough.
  23. I'm not old enough to remember, but OJ, Cribbs, and Thurman were running backs. If we were talking about Marshawn, of course I wouldn't be espousing us starting Fred Jackson. But the offensive line is a different monster. I'm just saying that maybe we've caught lightning in a bottle with these 5 guys, so why not ride it for a little bit?
  24. It's probably Denny Green's biggest source of income at this point
  25. Is it just me, or would anybody like to see the same 5 starters as we had against the Hawks? Anybody who knows football knows that an offensive isn't about individuals, it's about the 5 guys acting as a cohesive unit on every single play. Clearly, the guys who started week 1 are comfortable with each other and they allowed just one sack to a talented defensive front 7. Obviously, if things start to break down, put Peters in there. But what's the point of rewarding a whiny, petulant child of a player who held out until a day before the season with a start? I'm sure the other guys on the O-line aren't in love with the way he's acted. So why don't we at least give this group a chance to prove themselves against the likes of a Derrick Harvey? Besides, Peters did allow 6 sacks last season. Compare that with Brad Butler's 1 sack allowed, and Peters is clearly a little overrated, no matter how physically talented he may be.
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