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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Seriously, why all the hate on McKelvin? I posted the link in my comment above, but he's been an above average (slightly) kick returner this year. I'm not gushing over the man, but it seems some people think he's been playing piss poor.
  2. Haha one assclown down, one to go. That team will just not be in good shape until Marbury is gone. And don't be fooled by how they put up 120 in this first game. D'Antoni's style of coaching simply leads to a lot of points, but it tends to make a team lax on defense. Don't be surprised to see a lot of these 120-115 type results. The question is, in which direction will the victories be going?
  3. Ok so fill me in...an attack on America is more likely under Obama as President because...?
  4. Great Pumpkin = Godot? Just a theory I like to posit, Schwartz was a smart guy.
  5. Among eligible kick returners (at least 1 kick returned per game), McKelvin ranks 14th out of 34 in yards per return. Considering he's a rookie who's still learning to follow his blocks correctly and deal with NFL-level opponents, I'd say that isn't bad. Why not keep him back there? Am I missing something? http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/statistics?s...2&year=2008
  6. ^ Provided that I didn't think he would push his religious agenda. Just like I would expect an atheist candidate to not push an atheist agenda.
  7. If we live in a government that theoretically separates church from state, why should religion factor so heavily into campaigns? These "values voters" really piss me off. I read today that 53% of American voters would refuse to vote for an atheist candidate even if they thought he was the most qualified for the job. Disgusting.
  8. so now Jebus doesnt want us voting for Obama? when did he say that? We've had abortions under republican presidents, is Jebus mad at them too?
  9. So this election has to be black and white, just like every issue huh? Being undecided means that you're thinking things over, and that's nothing to be ashamed about.
  10. You're aware that nothing in the future could ever be a "known fact" right?
  11. Yeah, it's not like he's been our best offensive lineman this year or anything...idiot. After watching these videos, is it possible to dislike the guy?
  12. Remember this the next time you hear (or deliver) one of those "America is the greatest country in the world" rants.
  13. f*ck that, pirates wouldn't even hear the ninjas coming.
  14. haha forgiven. I find that the further away you travel from Buffalo, the longer the name for wings is. In Buffalo, it's just wings. A little further away, you start hearing about "chicken wings". Further out, they are "Buffalo wings." Further still, they are "Buffalo style chicken wings." Disgusting. And outside Buffalo, people don't seem to understand that pizza and wings are meant to go together.
  15. Don't call them Buffalo wings, that's for outsiders. They're just wings.
  16. People disagree with that? Home field advantage decided by an all star game is probably the most ridiculous thing in the world of sports.
  17. It's actually a rather intelligent strategy. Joe can say whatever he wants without the GOP paying for it because he's technically not part of the campaign, but whenever he says something worthwhile to the party they can rally behind it.
  18. My dad's annoying friends from the NWS are constantly sending me this sh*t and I hate it.
  19. Actually, I was just trying to goad somebody into accusing me of being anti-American because I was bored. I don't really think that. In fact, after reading Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin, I doubt that I respect any man more in the course of American history. On top of being a brilliant politician and orator, it seems to me that he truly wanted was best for the country, something that can rarely be said about today's politicians. He led American successfully through it's darkest hour, preserved the unity of the nation, all the while battling his own depression among other personal demons. You hear that "who would you most want to meet, dead or alive?" and I always answer with Lincoln.
  20. I agree but there's no point in trying to correct them. Most people will judge a RB sheerly on his YPC when there is so much more. And apparently theyve all forgotten about Lynch's 6 TDs so far, not that scoring TDs is a big deal or anything,
  21. But I should add that I feel Lincoln was a relatively sh*tty president
  22. Well it was a beautiful speech but my point is, what is westside arguing here? He's criticizing liberals for not abiding by the gettysburg address? What is that even supposed to mean?
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