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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. All politicians are creations of the media, at least to some extent. If Obama is a fraud for that reason, then McCain is a fraud as well. A candidate would NEVER survive a presidential race (or any other race for that matter) without the help of the media.
  2. I never said I "just travelled around", I believe that at one point I listed the countries I've been to but didn't get into specifics. I've never felt the need to flaunt it, but since you called me out and painted me as some privileged son of wealth, I felt the need to correct you. And ok, I'm being a snob. I'm aware of that and I realize it probably makes me look like a pretty big douchebag. But please take a look in the mirror if you want to criticize me making broad, sweeping statements. How many people on this board stereotype liberals, conservates, Dems, Repubs, with broad sweeping statements? When has one lived enough life to have their own opinion? Yes, with age comes wisdom. But with youth, there is a unique, unfiltered, and valuable outlook on life that one loses with the hardships of aging. The young are more often idealists, and while impractical, the viewpoint of an idealist provides a benchmark for what society should and could become. There are stark differences between the young and the old. We view life through completely different lenses and both perspectives are worthwhile. That's my take, anyway.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Corne...iversity_people 'nuff said.
  4. No. And are you saying that what I said is untrue? The best universities in America engender the most influential people, that's not opinion, that's fact.
  5. Of course it was real! That doesn't mean politicians aren't exploiting it for their own gain. When you hear a politician say something alike to "Vote for me because I'll vote to increase national security and make sure we don't experience another 9/11", he doesn't really give a flying f*ck about you or your family and friends, he's just trying to get elected. That's called exploitation. Oh and all of us "snot noses" up here at Cornell will be the most among the most influential people in the country and the world soon enough. They say be nice to the nerds, because they will some day be your boss and oh isn't it true? By the way, do you know what anal retentive means? Because you are using it entirely out of context here.
  6. My parents aren't rich. They're a meteorologist and an accountant who make about $100,000 a year combined, which I believes puts us at middle class. I'm putting myself through college because we don't get much financial aid and I also work 15 hours a week in a deli. I've gotten to travel because my parents saved money very well and I joined groups performing charity work abroad. And I don't know why you all seem to hold my going to Cornell with a negative connotation. Are you just jealous? In fact, I'd venture to say that you hold college students in low regard in general. Worried that I'll be your boss some day?
  7. I mean seriously, about 3,000 people were murdered that day right? Well about 100,000 people have been murdered in the US since then, but do we hear about reducing the crime rate? No, we just hear about how we're going to prevent another 9/11 and how if we vote for *insert opposing candidate here*, we're not paying enough respect to the victims of 9/11 and blah blah blah 9/11 blah blah blah 9/11. 9/11, it happened, get over it.
  8. God, I'm tired of hearing about 9/11. Both sides of the fence exploit the issue so much and I am just sick and tired of it. It was 7 years ago people, time to move on.
  9. Nickshun's not coming back with the shmoksh!!!! (serious props to those who got that)
  10. 0 points for Dallas? I think the G-men should beat them into the ground, but a shut out?
  11. I'd like to scream toward the heavens, "If there's a God, may he strike me dead where I stand!" It would really freak people out.
  12. Would you at least mind spelling things correctly when you're insulting people for their stupidity? If you don't, it just becomes too ironic for my blood.
  13. And injured. And averaging just 20.7 yards per return before he was replaced. Why don't you do your homework before you start flapping your gums?
  14. Ok, but are you actually claiming there's nothing racist about that billboard? The picture is clearly a caricature of a Muslim person and his middle name is highlighted in red and put in quotation marks as if it's some sort of nickname Obama uses.
  15. Experience means something at every position. And who's to say he doesn't "got it"? Like I said, he ranks 14th out of 34 (of course, that's the portion of my post that you chose to ignore). It's not exceptional, but I'll take it. I don't know where your "anybody but McKelvin" approach comes from.
  16. Amen baseball, not soccer is "the beautiful game"
  17. Grace Slick She built this city on rock and rooooolllllll
  18. Can't we just agree that there are nuts and uneducated voters on both sides of the fence? Like whoever put up this billboard. I'd rather associate with deluded voters who think their financial problems will be solved than intolerant, racist ones. http://www.collegehumor.com/picture:1884026
  19. Ok I don't need a link, i didn't realize what you were talking about. How does Biden claiming "Obama will be tested" making an attack any more likely? He didn't even specify as to how he'd be tested. You are really reaching now.
  20. It just showed him as a giant guinea pig wearing a prisoner costume, nothing else. Good not great episode IMO, i laughed at some of the guinea costumes, but the whole Craig thing was overdone.
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