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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I can guarantee you that there are plots to kill every president. That's the reason for the SS. We live in a country of 300 million and a certain amount of them are crazy enough to want to kill the president. How is Obama any more likely to be assassinated than McCain?
  2. Don't bother talking about McCain, it's useless when dealing with these people. Most "McCain supporters" I've met barely know anything about McCain besides his war record. The more accurate term for most "McCain supporters" is "Obama detractor". In their mind, they aren't voting for McCain, they are voting against Obama.
  3. You do realize that when you refer to Obama as That One, you're making fun of McCain right? He's the one that made himself sound like an idiot by using it.
  4. How is this an example of Obama not taking care of his family? How was he supposed to prevent his Aunt from being deported? She was living her illegally after all.
  5. That doesn't change the fact that HE NEVER SAID HE DOESN'T SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION. And stop calling him Hussien Obama, there's seriously no reason for that.
  6. I don't disagree but over the past 2 games, he has 15 receptions for 205 yards and a TD. Those aren't just deep threat stats, they are elite receiver stats. Let's see if he can string together a couple more games like that.
  7. Not saying it's impossible, but we run a very balanced attack of running and passing. Generally, we rush about 30 times during a game and Trent passes around 30 times during a game. That formula usually isn't conducive to a big statistical day for QBs. Plus, we tend to run in the red zone which is why TE doesn't throw for many TDs.
  8. Yes Eryn, you are right. We should all decide who to vote for based on the results of a shottily made internet quiz.
  9. Knowledge of the Constitution would prove that a candidate has at least a modicum of intelligence, that's why it's important. And another thing, why is it that you constantly refer to Obama as "hussien"? First, you're spelling it wrong. It's Hussein. Second, there's clearly no reason to do so unless you're intending the effect of casting him in a negative light by pointing out his Muslim sounding name.
  10. Just because Bush is incapable of changing the Constitution doesn't mean he isn't capable of violating it! How stupid are you? Are you actually under the impression that the Patriot Act is in the Constitution?
  11. And it's not the Supreme Court justices that approve amendments to the Constitution, it's Congress. The Supreme Court merely interprets the wording of the document. Were you aware of that?
  12. Barack's going to break into the national hall of records and scribble new amendments in crayon and then white out the second amendment.
  13. I've got Eddie Royal on my team too. I drafted him in the second to last round and couldn't be happier about it. But I've also got Santonio Holmes and Matt Jones who have both gotten into trouble with the law this year, and I have them backed up with Kevin Walter (actually doing very well). My WR is situation is sketchy at best.
  14. Those are just idiots who assume that a wide receiver who is shorter than average could never be a number 1. They apparently have never heard of Steve Smith or Santana Moss. Evans has always been one of the more potent deep threats in the NFL and over the last two games I think he has been proving himself capable of being a valuable possession receiver at times as well. Frankly it's nice to see a player receive a sizeable chunk of cash and then start earning the money right away.
  15. It's Fox, they saved King of the Hill but cancelled Arrested Development. I wouldn't put anything past them.
  16. Ummm, actually bub, the Constitution gets changed all the time. They're called amendments. 17 amendments have been added to the Constitution since the Bill of Rights was written. So a candidate "who openly states his willingness and a possible desire to change the constitution" is not a big deal at all. But inform me, how exactly does Obama plan to alter the Constitution? He's made no statements about it that I'm aware of.
  17. Barack wins by about 6% in the popular vote, which will translate to an absolute landslide in the electoral. I say he gets 355 votes.
  18. Finally! What an awful show King of the Hill was. I'll admit I only watched it maybe 5 times, but I can't ever remember even chuckling once. Good riddance. Unfortunately, American Dad blows too.
  19. I'm not disagreeing with you that he impressed some people last year, but he's only got 118 yards so far this season and we're just about half way done. The fact that the NYG were considering the Gonzales deal means that the team isn't exactly sold on him yet.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, Kevin Boss had about 10 receptions during his rookie campaign and isn't exactly lighting up the scoreboard this year.
  21. I'm still waiting for the anti-Whitner people to come out of the woodwork on this thread.
  22. Noted and I do appreciate the advice. The young certainly have much to learn from those who have seen and done more. Isaac Newton once said "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants." But would you at least concede the point that maybe, just maybe, the young have something to teach the old as well? Like I said, different perspectives entirely. There is always more to learn.
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