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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I agree 100%. I was arguing this point to my friends while watching the game, but everybody was just calling me a dumbass. Here's my logic to kick, and it's pretty simple. Let's say it takes a minute to score the touchdown, especially considering you have 0 timeouts left. Would you rather have 1:18 left to score a touchdown, or 15 seconds left to score a field goal? You need a TD and a FG (probably a pretty long FG either way), so hurry up and get the first score out of the way. That's my take.
  2. Throwing it to Royal isn't a problem, it's a problem when he screws up, which he didn't do today. Royal had a good game, led the team with 5 catches and 70 yards, and he made zero mistakes out there as a pass catcher (blew a couple blocks). How exactly is that a "problem"? Then again, Fine looks like he has very good hands and the speed to get open often. I didn't see much of his blocking, but I'm pretty sure it's not considered a strong suit.
  3. It's actually getting pretty funny to watch them squirm with the election coming up so quickly. They know they're powerless to change anything at this point so they just ramble on with "Looks like everybody drank the Kool-aid" and "Obama is a fraud" and "How many times is ACORN letting you vote?" Kinda like the fans of a team that is down big late in the 4th quarter, so they resort to bitching about the referees and tearing apart the other team just to make themselves feel better.
  4. So here's a question. How come when it's Mexican citizens crossing the US border to look for a better life, the United States has no responsibility to foreigners, but when it's China hypothetically attacking Taiwan we have to look out for the little guy? Smells like hypocrisy to me.
  5. That is very true, simply not a very good WR class this year, but I guess that makes up for an incredible rookie RB class. The only WR that is truly making a mark is Donnie Avery in St. Louis.
  6. Yeah, I will take a woman hired based on merit over a former player who had 10 concussions and can barely form a cogent sentence any day. Also, the women have boobies.
  7. Well I figure the 4 biggest threats to Penn State currently behind them in the BCS are Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Florida, and USC. I think USC is out because of they way they got trashed by Oregon State. Same thing happened to them last year with Stanford and they never recovered in the BCS formula. Florida will most likely play Alabama in the SEC title game, so one of them has to drop eventually. Texas Tech and Oklahoma play each other in the regular season (two weeks from now I believe), and then the winner of that game will most likely go on to play Missouri in the Big 12 title game. So all things considered, it looks like Penn State is definitely the school with the best chance of making it to the Big Game.
  8. Isn't doing a pure ranking of talent on a football team kind of like comparing apples to oranges? I mean, each position has such a drastically different role, who's to say that Jackson is a better running back than Mitchell is a linebacker? It's kind of like saying, "Who was better? Lou Gehrig or Nolan Ryan?"
  9. +1 It's no surprise that we usually line Greer up on the left side where the opposition has their #1 wideout. McGee may be lightning fast, but I think Greer is just better in coverage and plays the position smarter.
  10. Ok, sarcasm meter on, sorry. It was very late at night when I posted.
  11. I'd argue the playoffs are a possibility, and a probability, for any 5-2 team.
  12. Michael Crabtree might just be the best WR we have seen in a long, long time. I am so happy Tech won this game because it will inevitably push Penn State into the number 2 position. State will then have to lose to either michigan state, iowa, or indiana to lose that positioning, which I don't see as very likely. Ball's in their court and the right to play in the NCAA championship game is theirs for the taking. Great stuff.
  13. Riiiiiight, ok. Get all the NFL GMs on the phone! Tell them that it's no longer a good thing for a defensive lineman to be quick. This is a major development in football theory!
  14. Yeah, as good of a pass rusher as he is/used to be, he just brings zero to the table in the run defense game. That's why he sits half of the game in Green Bay even when he's healthy.
  15. What about Johnson makes you think that? His 1 catch for 7 yards? Simply put, we haven't seen nearly enough out of the guy to even come close to making a judgment. And while we're at it, what makes you say that about Hardy? I know he hasn't impressed anybody, but wide receivers are known as the position that takes the longest to develop. Give him a year and let's see where he's at. It is WAY too early to say that his upside is being a number 3 receiver.
  16. Well, people started calling me "idiot" as soon as I joined TSW, so I kinda saw it as the protocol. In essence, you are correct but hey, that seems to be the way things are done around here...
  17. You do realize that a citizen from Michigan can try to vote in Ohio all they want and it wouldn't work right? Besides, why would the Obama campaign run such a risky tactic when he's up 7% in the polls? Do you think he's as big of an idiot as you?
  18. You gotta give props to McCain for showing up on SNL two days before the election. I respect any man that can poke fun at himself. But I thought the Palin in 2012 thing was funny because once Obama wins, Palin is going to fade into a historical footnote just like every other losing vice presidential candidate. She is arguably one of the biggest celebrities in America right now, but nobody will give a flying f*ck about the woman once the big O takes office.
  19. Because I am a supporter of gun control laws. The Constitution guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. If Obama was voting to completely take away the American peoples' right to own guns, that would be one thing. But gun control laws promote things like background checks and limitations on the amount of ammo a person can buy at a single time. Gun control laws try to keep guns away from those who would use them for evil. Keeping a handgun for protection in your home is a noble thing. Having AK 47s lying around your house is a dangerous thing. Obama, and those who vote with him, support the former case and condemn the latter.
  20. Ok, so how about the candidate who abandoned his family, including 3 children, because his wife was disfigured in a car accident while he was at war, and when he came back she was no longer attractive to him? And then leaving his old life in the dust as he goes on to wed a beer heiress. How's that for helping your own blood?
  21. Oh and I agree entirely, but I'm just guaranteeing you that your valid opinion will fall upon deaf ears. Remember the whole Kerry flip-flopper thing? According to many, a politician should never ever change his opinion on an issue, even when the circumstances change. If you were for the war, you ALWAYS have to be for the war. If you vote against abortion, you can NEVER change your opinion. People change their minds every day, but when a politician does it, he's a liar and a cheat.
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