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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  2. Those 3 guys are all small and quick. It's more difficult for a guy like Hardy who has to teach himself to be a solid route runner and possession receiver. It's easier for rookie WRs who just have to burn one CB and then find open field.
  3. That's right, cuz real Americans pick themselves up by their bootstraps, and how could you do that if you're a paraplegic? Though I get the feeling he meant mentally disabled.
  4. It's good to see the bandwagon fans jumping off. But honestly, people like you make me question the bills fan base. I was convinced that we were the most loyal in football and perhaps in all sports. I laughed when the poster on that Patriots* board said he was no longer a fan, thinking to myself "At least it will never come that in Buffalo", and yet you have people deserting a team with a 5-3 record. Pathetic. All I have to say is you had better not jump back on the bandwagon if the Bills make the playoffs.
  5. I agree with you about the out of conference schedule. Penn State had a cupcake schedule early on (Though they destroyed Oregon State 45-14 who later on went to beat USC) Here's my issue though. Why is it that people just assume a Big Ten school is incapable of beating an SEC or Big 12 school in the championship. I hear people all the time saying they hope Penn State doesn't make it because they'll just get crushed by 'bama or Texas Tech, or Texas, or Oklahoma, or whoever. Yes, the Big Ten has less ranked teams, but I think it's due to a different style of play. Big Ten teams are more likely to have traditional, practical offenses (more like you'd see in the NFL), while it seems the "better" conferences are going more experimental with their offenses, which tends to lead to scoring in high volume. Meanwhile, the Big Ten continues to focus on defense. Unfortunately, a solid defensive effort doesn't do as much for a team in the rankings as a high scoring offensive effort. Take Texas Tech for example. Their offense scores about 45 points per game, whereas Penn State's defense only yields 11 points per game, while also scoring a great deal this year. Who's to say which statistic is more impressive? Pollsters tend to forget that football is 50% offensive and 50% defensive and that a solid, fundamentally sound defense is always capable of taking down a flashy offense.
  6. I wasn't aware that typing ACORN in 32 font counted as "bringing up the fraud issue"
  7. No I think Boom definitely shouldn't stay away from the gun cabinet. This guy has the potential to be a Darwin Award winner.
  8. So in your opinion, close to 50% of the country is comprised of homeless crack whores and college students? We are awake and we are voting for Obama as a nation whether you like it or not. Here's something I'm interested in. Something I heard from a lot of Bush supporters is that you have to support what the government is doing even if you disapprove of it, because it's unpatriotic to question the president. I'm not sure if you're one of those people, but if you are will you apply that mentality to an Obama presidency?
  9. We put Jauron in as our 6th offensive lineman? That was stupid. Seriously though, it wasn't Jauron spending the money, it was the front office.
  10. C'mon, potentially electing a dumbass for a vice president IS an issue. One of the United States' leaders should not be able to be tricked so easily by a shock jock. Do you think Henry Kissinger would have bought the Sarkozy act? How about Robert McNamara? Bill Clinton? No, they aren't idiots! And what do you mean "all BO and his followers can talk about..."? When have you heard Obama commenting on this Sarkozy interview thing? The guy himself is sticking to the issues, even if some of his followers aren't. And come on, how is this possibly an example of the liberal media? Don't you think they'd be doing the same thing and making the same jokes if it had been Biden who got tricked? Hell, the media jumped all over Obama for his 57 states gaffe. Fact is, you make a stupid mistake on the campaign trail, and you get panned for it, no matter which party you are.
  11. No it isn't. Stroud has been playing well. I know everybody here measures a defensive lineman's season by sacks alone. Fact is, he's been great on the run and he consistently gets double teamed. If Stroud gets double teamed that means Kelsay and Denney consistently have one man to beat, and they never beat their man. I don't know how you can blame it on the defensive line's interior...maybe it's just your reaction to seeing Kris Jenkins and instinctively comparing him to our guys?
  12. Yeah, because what the fans say at the game determines how good the team is. If we suck, so do the jets, patriots, ravens, bears, eagles, falcons, and cardinals. They are all 5-3 too. But all you pessimists are guaranteeing a loss against the Pats* next week. But they suck. But wait, we suck too...It's amazing how quickly some people push the panic button.
  13. Thanks, I appreciate it. It's not nearly as politically incorrect as the n-word, but it basically has the same connotations. And it's especially viscious when it's used against Mexican Americans who are actually citizens. By the way, just for your information "gringo" is usually meant as more of a joking term of endearment for white people. If a Hispanic person wanted to insult a white person with a racial slur he'd call him a "yanqui".
  14. Yeah, two anchormen making a joke and people laughing at it...those people are truly evil... You repubs are really grasping at straws huh? Will you ever run out of things to B word about?
  15. The only "reality" in the NFL is a team's record. At 5-3, the Bills are right in the mix of things and have a good chance at going 9-7 or 10-6 and making the playoffs even if we play average football from here on out. 5-3 is our reality, everything else is just opinion and in your case it's just meaningless pessimism.
  16. Why would the Jets have challenged the spot themselves, the initial ruling was in their favor. The Moorman play was definitely fair. The refs told the Jets they had gained the ball through turnover on downs, so they naturally declined the penalty. They weren't given the benefit of correct information to make their decision. Once the spotting was overturned, they had to be given the chance to change their minds with the new, correct information in hand. The out of bounds kickoff rule was just weird, and I'm still trying to decide if I think it's fair. Either way, incredibly heads up play by the Jets special teamer.
  17. I agree that it's a blessing that this man is dead, but it feels like you're reacting to a woman's rape with a little too much levity. One person was raped, another is dead. This isn't fun and games.
  18. You think we can't be New England? They're 5-3 just like us and their offense looked downright anemic against the Colts tonight. Anybody can beat them.
  19. Well she's a b*tch, but well within her rights. This is far from the most shocking thing we've seen from Obama detractors.
  20. Yeah, but is that causation or just coincidence? The pass defense did a serviceable job today, and losing a nickelback doesn't tend to set a team back that much.
  21. Don't you ever use that word again. My grandfather entered this country as an illegal alien in 1940. He joined the Navy when they were in desperate need for recruits and he earned his citizenship. That word is an intolerant, racist term equally offensive to Mexican Americans as the N-word is to blacks. He's 86 years old now, but he would punch your lights out if you used that word in front of him.
  22. Wait a second...57 states...57...where do I know that number? 57 Heinz varieties! Theresa Heinz Kerry...married to John Kerry... Obama is John Kerry wearing a costume! It's the scandal of the century!
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