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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Rest in peace, Madelyn. I don't know old she was, but given that she had a 47 year old grandson, I'd say she had a good run. Best wishes to the Obama family.
  2. But I just realized what a huge waste of my time it is to sit here at my laptop bickering over the semantics of the word "argue". I'm going to start paying attention to my professor.
  3. Which I didn't do. I merely stated a different opinion, without even alluding to his post.
  4. Ah, classic denial behavior. You've never actually been with a woman yourself, so you project it onto others as a means for asserting yourself as a man despite your many failed attempts at achieving anything remotely masculine.
  5. There's a pointed difference between "arguing" and "replying".
  6. I wasn't arguing. You said it was moderately amusing. I said I thought it parodied libs and conservs pretty well. I wouldn't classify that as arguing.
  7. I hadn't heard about her flying back to AK to have the baby, but that is straight up dumb and bad parenting.
  8. Do you think we would've run a QB sneak if Edwards hadn't fumbled the last one? That's the play that seems to work the best in 3rd and inches situations, in terms of securing a first down.
  9. Who's telling you what's best for the country? The thread is about a comedic video...
  10. Well it's actually a fallacy that Cornell's suicide rate is the highest in the country. It's just that someone who jumps tends to get more publicity than someone who OD's, etc. I believe MIT has the highest rate.
  11. The owners and operators of the site met in college, I believe that's where the name comes from. Also, students are the main audience. And you're just jealous of all the tail I'm getting, no big deal.
  12. Eh, I thought it did a pretty good job of poking fun at the paranoia displayed by both sides.
  13. Somebody committed suicide off of a gorge a couple weeks ago, this isn't really funny guys.
  14. Umm, it's a comedy website called collegehumor.com, it doesn't actually have anything to do with college. The video I linked to was a satire on the way liberals and conservatives view each other, it's relevant to this forum and has nothing to do with my being in college. It's just funny.
  15. Great satire on alot of the comments on this board. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1888086
  16. Doesn't the kool-aid thing refer to jim jones poisoning his cult with kool-aid? Where did a "woman's pusssy" ever come into the mix?
  17. Dennis Kucinich for me, with Obama and Bill Richardson pulling in just slightly behind.
  18. It's a dated reference and a poor analogy. And do you realize just how much credibility your comments lose when you constantly refer to Obama supporters as "kool aid drinkers"? You really come off as an idiot.
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