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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I agree. Affirmative action is something that my friends and I debate all the time and we were wondering why it has been a completely avoided subject. Obviously, the war and the economy take precedence, but I would have liked to see it discussed.
  2. I like watching the Iron Chef (japanese version, not american). Those dudes are crazy.
  3. But then again, he's clearly not past his coaching prime quite yet. Those who are casual fans of NCAA football assume that the only reason JoePa has his job is because the program "owes" him for his 40+ years of service, but Paterno's teams are 39-9 (including bowl games) the past 4 years. I'd have to look it up, but that's gotta be close to the best in Division I. I assume Pete Carroll is the leader.
  4. Yeah, actually I remember Penn State taking down Tennessee in the Outback Bowl a couple years back. Tennessee was ranked 12 and PSU was 22, and PSU just handed them a big-time loss. Here's a big question. Does Joe Pa finally call it quits if he gets one last national championship? I personally don't think so, but that's a rumor I've heard.
  5. Dude's 34 years old? I might have McDyess and Jason Maxiell mixed up in my head. So do you think AI fits in with Detroit? The Pistons' system has always been the furthest away from the me-first sh*t you tend to see around the league, and AI has always had an attitude. He used to get loads of assists, but lately it seems like he's more selfish. On top of that, I don't know what's going to happen to the team's chemistry when you put Iverson and Rasheed Wallace on the same court.
  6. He calls us fools, and yet the entire premise of this thread was to tell Obama supporters to F*ck off because of two anchormen on ABC making a joke.
  7. Race relations is one of the major themes of the book. And it looks like somebody is skipping ahead on their word-a-day calendar...tsk tsk
  8. I DID answer his question, and here's my question; Why are you going out of your way to insult me when I didn't even address you? Your insult up there doesn't even have anything to do with the topic at hand.
  9. Unfortunately, Marcus Stroud has been consistently double teamed and taken out of every play. That should open things up for "undersized but high motor" players like Kyle Williams, Chris Kelsay, and Ryan Denney, but they just cannot seem to beat their single coverage. All three of them are too weak.
  10. I think you were going for "I think you were going for..."
  11. I can't change parties, I chose not to affiliate myself with a party when I registered. I vote for who I believe is going to do the best job in office. I think the two party system is one of the worst parts about our government. People align themselves with a party early on, and then pigeon hole themselves for the rest of their lives. My father voted for Bush in 2004 despite acknowledging he wasn't the better candidate. But he said that he "just couldn't bring himself to vote Democrat." I don't want that to be me.
  12. Well, that's certainly how it's built to work. It's why we elect our public figures in finite terms, not for life.
  13. By what logic? It's a basic rule of the media. Don't give them something to attack you for and you won't be attacked.
  14. I think you were going for "lovable retard next door" If Biden has one problem, I think it's a lack of a filter between his brain and mouth. It seems to me that most of his gaffes are the result of him speaking his mind too openly. Then there was that whole plagiarism thing... Bottomline, Biden's not the perfect candidate either, but I prefer him over a woman who gets tricked by a couple of canadians pretending to be French diplomats with horribly fake-sounding French accents. I think that Sarah Palin is a legitimately stupid person.
  15. The clear message from the American public will be that they are voted out of office for doing an inadequate job. If they do an effective job, they will be re-elected.
  16. The bottom line is he lied and now he's ostracized for lying. If he had asked his question as a hypothetical and not said "I'm going to buy the company", nobody would have a problem with him.
  17. I drafted Ryan Torain in my fantasy league. After I found out he was injured, I dropped him and picked up Steve Slaton...but I think I'll pick up Torain again and give him a seat on my bench in case he starts putting up gaudy numbers, something which random Denver RBs have been known to do.
  18. What is the correct term? The radio station I work for is probably over 50% Jewish in our sports department, and I think they are all fine with "Jew". I can't really think of any other terms besides the slurs.
  19. Brockport is most certainly not "literally in the Ivy League" Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Yale
  20. Yeah, if you're a Pistons fan McDyess is the one that you ought to be sad to see go. Iverson will be an improvement at point guard over Billups. They're both very talented veterans but AI is just better at creating his own shots and he's also still a very solid defender at this late juncture of his career. McDyess is a very efficient, high energy player who rebounds very very well, especially when he's pounding the offensive glass. I think he should automatically start over K-Mart in Denver and he'll be a force for years to come.
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