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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It's great walking to the bottom of the gorges and looking up when you're on some magic mushrooms. Truly spectacular, so I won't say no to the gorges. They're cool if you don't jump.
  2. Ok, first of all 4 MPH wind can barely even be considered a "breeze", and I dont know what you were watching, but TE did not have to throw that ball 40 yards. Trent was hit as he was throwing the ball, Roscoe fell down, and it got picked. I'd agree that an out route probably wasn't the best play call, as it's the route that is most often picked off, but firing Schonert for it? No.
  3. No I go on TBD during class, I guess cuz I'm a bad student. And I already voted via absentee ballot, so no worries there.
  4. Yep, everybody who doesn't agree with you is a retard, moron, or a pusssy. I wish you were standing right here in front of me, you !@#$, so I could punching your !@#$ing lights out. If there are riots today, I hope that you're one of the unfortunate victims.
  5. And why exactly is it that you feel the need to insult me whenever I post anything? I wasn't insulting you, just disagreeing with you, and yet you call me a retard. And when the hell have I ever used psycho babble? You like to treat it as some kind of joke that I'm in college? Should I feel ashamed for trying to get a higher education? For that matter, should I be ashamed for being 19? You know, theres nothing I can do about that.
  6. Here's my problem with you. Why did your post have to have an anti-liberal agenda. You could have just posted the video and said "Hey, this DJ is a giant douchebag for saying this." I would have agreed wholeheartedly with that. I don't support people wishing innocent people dead. But instead, you said "You people are amazing", implying that all liberals feel this way and that the entire Obama camp is filled with subversive people who'd like nothing more than to see Joe the Plumber dead. You know very well that there are douchebags and crazy people on both sides of the fence, but you show one video clip of a POS liberal, and put all liberals in the same boat as him. Imagine this. There's an accident involving a drunk driver who turns out to be a Patriots fan, and you say "Ha! typical Patriots fan", knowing full well that there are an equal amount of Bills fans who get drunk. In other words, your feeble attempts at trying to prove liberals are inferior due to the comments of one person aren't working.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QOSSZEA1so Here's Rush saying that he'd like to see chaos and riots in the street due to the Democratic primaries. He wants it to be like the Chicago riots of 1968, with police riots, protests, and burning cars.
  8. So do you suppose Rush has ever wished somebody dead when he was off the air? Because if he has, he's definitely as bad as this guy. In all honesty, have you ever made an off handed comment about wishing somebody dead?
  9. Oh come on, the guy clearly didn't know that he was on air. It sounds like some idiot forgot to press "off" on the soundboard.
  10. Knowing Rush, I'm willing to be that he has said something like that at some point. I can't be sure, but he's been on the air a long time and he's not exactly known for having the biggest filter between his brain and his mouth. Remember the Sunday NFL Countdown debacle?
  11. Well that's definitely something to think about (after all, the war got us out of the depression, not the New Deal), but my absentee ballot is already cast for Obama. However, I'm voting in New York so my vote changes pretty much nothing. It will certainly be interesting to see what Obama brings to the table. (It's pretty clear he'll win) He's clearly a candidate that the international community is getting behind, which should at least improve our standing around the world. That was one of the more unfortunate side effects of the Bush presidency. And I guess we will just have to wait and see how effective of a leader he is. You can definitely make the argument that it's a cult of personality that got Obama where he is today (let the record show i supported Bill Richardson) and it's probably undeserved. On the other hand, he is well spoken and intelligent, which counts for something in my book. The next 4 years might go great, or they might go horribly. In either case, the country is quite frankly in the sh*tter right now, and a change of pace is most often the correct remedy for that.
  12. Trust me, I hate the two party system. Supposedly, we're "choosing" the president, but realistically I only get to choose between two legit candidates. (I'm not registered with a party so I don't get to cast a vote in the primaries) But voting for a third party candidate or writing someone in is throwing away your vote, plain and simple. And unfortunately, voting for a specific third party guy can have unintended consequences. In 2000, a vote for Nader was essentially a vote for Bush, and I get the feeling that a vote for Barr is a vote for Obama in a similar fashion.
  13. I wonder how people from New Hampshire feel about only being relevant once every 4 years haha
  14. Well I'm far from the most liberal person on this board. (I pretended to be that one time just to annoy you, and again sorry for the douchebaggery), but I've made it clear that I merely consider the Obama camp to be the lesser of two evils. I might come across as liberal on these boards because I like to combat all the "Obama is a lying communist fraud, blah blah dont drink the kool aid" people, but I am not convinced in the least that he's going to turn the country around. I'm just afraid McCain's presidency would be more of the same of the past 4 years, and the cruel spectre of a Palin presidency honestly scares me away from the Republican ticket.
  15. Ok ok gotcha dude, sorry it's late, i'm tired, and in fairness you do tend to attack most of what i say when you get the chance
  16. No a black conservative explaining his viewpoints on how African Americans and poor urban dwellers have been duped into thinking Democrats are looking out for them. He presents a very logical argument in a very powerful and convincing manner. Toward the end, I think he loses a little bit of credibility by bringing Jesus vs Obama comparisons into the mix, but in general it's a good watch.
  17. Are you addressing me? Cuz you posted a reply to Conner's post... All I did in this thread is point out that Stanford and Brockport are not in the Ivy League athletic conference. I don't see how that makes me a liberal elitist.
  18. That's a link to an article about the New York State wrestling championship. It has no affiliation with the Ivy League. Cornell was participating because it is a University in New York State. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivy_League
  19. I think that if affirmative action has to exist, it should be based on the student's family's income, not race. Because it is true that poorer children go to poor schools, have larger classes, worse textbooks and supplies, not as many opportunities to pad the resume with extra curriculars, less likely to be properly prepared for the SAT, etc, etc. What I don't understand is why affirmative action should be racially oriented. What about the white kid that grew up in the slums right next to the black and hispanic kids affirmative action is geared toward? Where's his head start? That white kid had to deal with not only being poor, but also being a minority at his school. And how about the wealthy black kid? Why should he get an upper hand over his equally wealthy peers?
  20. I agree. Affirmative action is something that my friends and I debate all the time and we were wondering why it has been a completely avoided subject. Obviously, the war and the economy take precedence, but I would have liked to see it discussed.
  21. I like watching the Iron Chef (japanese version, not american). Those dudes are crazy.
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