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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. No offense intended, but it seems like whenever a player on any NFL team is released, somebody wants the Bills to pick that player up. There is usually a reason that a player is released, and it usually has something to do with their ineffectiveness at their position.
  2. Well, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, even politicians. One of my favorite concepts of America is innocent til proven guilty, which also means to me that we should trust a person until that person gives us a reason not to trust him. If we show a lack of faith in our elected officials without giving them a chance to prove themselves, it just shows cynicism. I, for one, trust Barack to lead us in the right direction. If he ends up betraying that trust, so be it, but for now I'm optimistic.
  3. Haha my friends and I thought that Michelle looked pregnant. Maybe it was body armor. By the way, fireworks just started going up over Ithaca and I can still hear the whole town buzzing with celebration and it's past 2 in the morning! What a night!
  4. Well, he ought to be congratulated for having the will and mental strength to survive it. Thanks is probably the more appropriate sentiment, but I don't think your average veteran would exactly be opposed to congratulations, particulary in today's world where people boo soldiers returning from Iraq and host protests at military funerals. Congratulating someone shows respect, and thats what veterans deserve. That's my take.
  5. If that speech was not genuine, then Barack Obama deserves the academy award for Best Actor.
  6. Congratulations, Thanks, Good work over there, We're proud of you...Isn't anything that connotes respect and admiration good enough? And the poster who started this particular discussion congratulated McCain on his service, which I took to imply both military and governmental. I think that being a good politician and public servant for the past two decades deserves congrats too.
  7. Umm, you don't? Do you condemn it? Why shouldn't we congratulate our veterans and public figures for their service?
  8. If you do not support Barack Obama and his policies, that is your business. If you feel Barack Obama is unfit to be the President due to his lack of experience, that is fine as well and your opinion. But, if you listened to Barack Obama's speech tonight and you STILL disagree that the man has the best interests of the nation in his heart, then I am afraid you are blinded by your own hate. He gave one of the most inspirational and moving speeches that this country has ever witnessed. I hope that those who disagree with Obama's policies can at least acknowledge that he has a pure heart and will put this country first whenever he makes a decision as a leader. Unfortunately, there are still those out there who believe that Obama is on some secret, evil mission to turn America into a Communist nation and destroy it, and there is probably no helping them. I, on the other hand, believe that we have entered into a new age of hope in America. We no longer have a President who is interested in personal gain or profit for himself and his friends. In two months, a man will take office as President of the United States with the genuine desire to help the country he loves. That is more important than experience, that is more important than race or creed, that is more important than anything.
  9. If you are in support of a group of Americans treating another group of Americans with rancor and hatred, then you sir are anti-American. McCain and Obama both said it tonight. We are not Democrats and we are not Republicans. We are Americans, and nothing can be accomplished without working together. The "We" in Obama's "Yes We Can" does not refer to the Democrat Party. It refers to all the citizens of our nation, and it seems like you are not on board with that. I gained a TON of respect for McCain in his address, and if you are opposed to a speech where a man concedes defeat with honor and humility while expressing desire to join hands with all Americans for the betterment of our nation, then yes, you are Unamerican.
  10. You're giving Coolidge a free pass? His economic policies pretty much caused the Great Depression. James Buchanan might have actually been the worst though.
  11. Yeah, I miss Haggan and Stamer. Our special teams coverage definitely seems softer this year.
  12. The only quarterbacks that have "torns us up" so far are Warner and Pennington. In terms of the other good QBs we've faced, we beat Hasselbeck and Rivers soundly, and held Favre in check if you actually look at the stats.
  13. You just notice those plays because they end up with a good net result for the Bills. Let's say Jauron calls a run up the middle. If the blocking is shotty, youll call it a "running into a brick wall play", but if a few good blocks are made and Lynch busts up the middle for 20 yards, it was a genius play call! right? You can't just look at the results of big plays/disastrous plays and attribute it all to playcalling. The onus is on the players on the field to DO something with the playcalling. Conservative play is the right call a lot of the time. Yes, we all love to see the 80 yard bomb to Evans, but from a practical standpoint, a conservative balance of runs and throws helps both score and wear time off of the clock so that your team controls time of possession. And we would all love to see more sacks, but it pisses me off when I hear "Why don't we blitz more!!!???" Listen. If you blitz all the time, you are so much more susceptible to the big play.
  14. It's a critical matchup because if we lose we're 5-4 (not horrible) BUT 0-3 in the division. If you finish 1-5 or 2-4 in your division, that's pretty much the kiss of death if it comes down to tiebreakers (which seems likely).
  15. Agreed, he should be playing with a vengeance after getting shut down so bad.
  16. Well ideally there would be playoffs AND coach/media polls. How would you decide which 8 teams made the playoffs without the polls?
  17. I would be just fine with that. To hell with the BCS.
  18. It's a great show, but that's always been my question about it. House is supposedly a genius and miracle worker when it comes to diagnosing people, but his first 3 or 4 diagnoses are ALWAYS wrong...how good could he be? And how is he not fired yet?
  19. That's the spirit! LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!! This is the best team we've had in a decade and I'll be damned if the Pats* are the ones to stop us.
  20. In essence I agree, but one sign of sarcasm would be the overt hyperbole. Light cigars with 100 dollar bills, 18 cars in the driveway, etc...
  21. Just to be clear, this isn't my list of people we should be blaming. It's a list of people who IMO we are giving too much of a hard time for 2 losses.
  22. How do you know he isn't calling out players in the locker room? The coach that calls out players to the media is a bad coach.
  23. Uh pretty sure Jauron didn't hire Fewell, that was most likely Levy's decision right?
  24. Here's a quick list I've compiled of all the scapegoats this board has found for the Bills' recent failure. 1. Donte Whitner 2. Dick Jauron 3. Trent Edwards 4. Marshawn Lynch 5. Jason Peters 6. Robert Royal 7. Duke Preston 8. Leodis McKelvin 9. James Hardy My point is, there is A LOT of hate being thrown around for a team that has been all-together good for the season so far. That is just a list of who we as fans have thrown under the bus so far, but when I look at the list none of the guys is actually to blame besides maybe for Peters. That's just my take.
  25. His team lost the game 38-13 to the Seahawks who just look awful this year, I don't know how much praise Singletary ought to be getting. And let's be realistic here, JT O Sullivan is the worst quarterback of all time in your opinion? There are 7 starting QBs in the NFL this season who have a lower QB rating. If anybody's jockeying for worst QB of all time, it's Jamarcus Russel, whose QB line this week looked like this... 6-19, 31 yards, INT
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