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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I wasn't really talking about you, as you usually post intelligently. I was talking about the types that are already tearing Obama apart for offering Chief of Staff to Emmanuel and the "Obama is a lying communist fraud" types. They seem to be chomping at the bid to criticize our President-elect and I get the feeling that (even if its on a subconscious level) they want to see him fail.
  2. Is it? I was raised atheist, I always thought it was Sunday. Well, just change my post to say that those who interpret the Bible literally can't watch college football.
  3. Very well said. I get the feeling that many Republicans on this board are actually hoping bad things happen to America so that they can say "I told you so." At least, that's how they're acting right now. Glad to see you aren't one of them.
  4. Anybody who interprets the Bible literally isn't allowed to watch the Bills because the Bible says that the sabbath is to be reserved exclusively for activities related to the praise of their god. Also, there's a bunch of stuff in Leviticus about slaughtering livestock as sacrifice to god on a weekly basis, and other crazy sh*t.
  5. So it sounds to me that your objection to the propostion of teaching about gay marriage in school is that an elementary level child is incapable of understanding the connotations of the word "gay". That's fair. So I think the answer to that would be to have schools not traverse into the sexual side of things, and stick to defining marriage as a union of two people in love. A 5 year old child might not understand a man being sexually attracted to another man, because that child probably hasn't been taught about sex yet, but I'm sure he could understand gay marriage in the sense that men fall in love with men and women fall in love with women. Your 5 year old understands that there is a bond between you and your wife, so don't you suppose he could understand gay marriage too? Now, I don't have a child, so I'm most likely missing something here, but it seems that you could teach kids about gay marriage and avoid the sexual aspect of it. In doing so, I think the youngest generation might grow up more tolerant.
  6. Ok provide evidence for that last statement, and it had better be good. And what exactly is this "natural law" and how does homosexuality impede it?
  7. Why would we want one of the worst cornerbacks in the NFL? He couldn't even hack it on one of the worst teams in the NFL, why would a playoff contender like the Bills even consider touching him?
  8. What exactly are the connotations of "taught about gay marriage"? Do you mean, like, in history class? Legalized gay marriage would be a big moment in American history, what would be your problem with children learning about it?
  9. Ok, so they are to blame too then. If they don't realize that homosexuals are suffering through the same things they suffered through, it's their own fault.
  10. This is why I'm glad Obama won by 6 million votes and about 200 electoral votes. Nobody can cry foul on this whole ACORN thing.
  11. I just can't wait until the day that those who are bigoted against gays are looked upon in the same negative light as those who are bigoted against blacks and women. People seem to think it's ok to discriminate against homosexuals and society has not done a good enough job of telling them they are wrong. Back in the 60's, it was the same with black people. It was ok to be a bigot. It was just their opinion. Today, it is not tolerated. Perhaps 30, maybe 40 years from today, it will be the same story with homosexuals. Hey, maybe in a few decades we will see our first openly gay President. Now that would be a big moment.
  12. I'm not going to fight you. But I do have one question. Hypothetically, if Obama does a good job as President and the country is in a better place in 4 years, will you admit you were wrong and vote to re-elect him, or keep your head buried in the sand?
  13. Wow, a series of out of context statements which are made to appear to negate each other. On Youtube. Now, there's a source we can trust.
  14. That doesn't make it incorrect to call him African American. I am half Mexican and half German. I consider myself a Mexican American and a German American.
  15. That's NOT why I voted for him. I believe he's the man for the job, along with most of America. Coincidentally, he is a black man and the fact that this didn't prevent him from getting a majority is a beautiful moment in our history IMO.
  16. Hmm, well I'm in Ithaca so Syracuse is pretty close. No guarantees, but keep me informed if you wouldn't mind.
  17. And think about how great it is that we, as a people, just voted for an African American man to be our President. Our nation, which was one of the last in the civilized western world to abolish slavery, which was largely segregated until the 1960's, which has been home to the Ku Klux Klan, just voted for a black man to lead it. No matter who you are, what your party affiliation/political philosophy is, would you not at least agree that this is a big step forward for us? This is probably the biggest watershed moment in American history in terms of the war against racism, and I for one am proud to have been part of it.
  18. Dude, I agree with most of what you say but why are you giving him a hard time for wanting to organize a peaceful protest for something he believes in? That's a right guaranteed to him in the Constitution. If he wants to organize a march on Washington, I applaud him for the effort. I might even be tempted to join him if I had any money with which to travel. I don't personally think Obama is going to call for an immediate retraction of the troops, but if he did it'd be disastrous.
  19. Cooperating with the international community AND trying to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases????? WHAT HAVE WE GOTTEN OURSELVES INTO?
  20. You act like teams have been running all over us. I believe our run defense is top 10 and one could argue that it's been the phase of the game we've excelled best at. But if one specific guy gets 100 yards, we fire the DC? Suuuuure.
  21. Ok, explain some of the good things Bush has done over the past 8 years. Im genuinely curious.
  22. No offense intended, but it seems like whenever a player on any NFL team is released, somebody wants the Bills to pick that player up. There is usually a reason that a player is released, and it usually has something to do with their ineffectiveness at their position.
  23. Well, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, even politicians. One of my favorite concepts of America is innocent til proven guilty, which also means to me that we should trust a person until that person gives us a reason not to trust him. If we show a lack of faith in our elected officials without giving them a chance to prove themselves, it just shows cynicism. I, for one, trust Barack to lead us in the right direction. If he ends up betraying that trust, so be it, but for now I'm optimistic.
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