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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It’s one of those things that we’re probably overall better without and yet one of those things that can also be enjoyed responsibly based on the person so I can’t really say thatI’m against it.
  2. That would certainly dominate the NFL conversation for the subsequent week. By the time a playoff rematch arrives people will remember 13 seconds more clearly. It was an all time game plain and simple.
  3. It’s the position Beane has swung and missed on the most. Getting it right this year with Settle, Jones and J. Phillips may just get us over the line.
  4. People would still say that we beat them last year in the regular season too. The Bills just need to play their game every week and not care about that type of posturing.
  5. Absolutely. In my early 20’s I was one of those fans who would let a bad result ruin the next couple days and I’d experience genuine rage at particularly bad results. And this was during the drought years when there was a lot of that. I needed to have the realizations that a) none of this was in my control and b) relying on something out of my control to generate positive feelings like pride and fulfillment is a waste of my time.
  6. As far as I can tell people are getting more snowflakey about the cancellation boogeyman than people having a problem with what Aikman said.
  7. We gotta run the touchdown play where Josh throws it far and a Bill catches it.
  8. So this is really cool and I applaud the work. Want to say that first. I think the flaw is the amount of sample size you’d need for it to be meaningful based on the variance in how points get scored and then the way rosters get churned during off seasons. In other words you’re only getting 17 games per team when you probably need hundreds to approach reliability in forecasting anything. And then trying to achieve that data over the course of multiple seasons becomes useless when the players change teams en masse.
  9. His generation doesn’t know how to lose gracefully because Adrian Peterson never beat them up.
  10. Unironically, in this instance, is a more apt word because I was pointing out that people generally use “Kids these days” with irony.
  11. Did you just unironically start a sentence with "Kids these days"?
  12. I hate when these apologies inevitably include something like "That's not me". Like, yes, that's you! You did it. Not going to crucify you over it, but just say that you're sorry and that it'll never happen again.
  13. Yeah he was clearly juggling the ball and then only got one foot in.
  14. It's been a long time since one team in the NFL has been so obviously better than everybody else. That's not getting a ton of attention right now because of the Dolphins blemish on our schedule which may actually be a good thing because the team doesn't need that undefeated pressure on top of being SB favorites.
  15. This roster is capable of winning every remaining game by double digits. Will they? Who knows? Next week will be difficult. We have five division games where we know the opponent will be extra motivated to take us down. It’s also the NFL where there’s usually a few “How did ______ beat ______?” games. I’m just going to enjoy the ride.
  16. The 2-3 Cardinals are realizing that when you need to include contract stipulations about video game time your guy may not be that guy.
  17. The defense played very well but anyone with eyes could see that there was more available in the middle of the field for the Steelers' passing game than we've allowed in the past few weeks. We allowed 3 points instead of 17-20 because it was a rookie QB who couldn't finish drives.
  18. Yet another draft that Beane and company absolutely smashed.
  19. So that's as much as to say Bills are favored by 2 points on a neutral field. Don't disagree with the assessment.
  20. My prediction is that after the bye week you're going to see Cook start to touch the ball 8-10 times a game.
  21. I mean I agree but this couldn't have gone in the postgame thread?
  22. Hamlin probably can’t do what Hyde and Poyer can in coverage against good QBs but man is he a tackler and plays mean.
  23. If the Steelers offense had converted some of their opportunities and kept it closer Josh would have left 600 yards in the dust today. Insanity.
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