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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Is there something wrong with midnight basketball? You keep mentioning it.
  2. Weird, I had the exact same feeling. I was enraged for about a second before cooling down and realizing that nobody gives a flying f*ck about what Bob Ryan has to say. But still, it really got to me that somebody went right out and said it. He has a lot of nerve.
  3. Here's a question. If Marshall wanted to make this statement, why didn't he just wear the black/white glove during the entire game and then explain his reasoning afterward? And here's an answer. Marshall cares less about his statement than he does about himself. That's why it was meant as an endzone stunt. He came really really close to letting his team down.
  4. If it's the same game as it always was, how come there are so many more goals?
  5. I'd actually argue that the rule changes post-lockout helped the Sabres more than most teams. The Ducks too. The changes benefitted smaller, faster teams and allowed for more of a "run and gun" style.
  6. I think in this case it's simple. Our pre-existing starters at CB are better than Arizona's pre-existing starters.
  7. Joe Buck has a nice voice but he has the power to make even the most exciting game sound boring. He always sounds like he doesn't give a sh*t about what's happening on the field. That applies to both football and baseball. I'm interested though, what's your issue with Costas?
  8. Doesn't matter how many yards he throws for as long as we get the W. I'm not saying I don't want to see it happen too but does it really matter? He got the most yardage of his season against the Jets last week and we lost.
  9. Maybe Bryan Scott. He held Antonio Gates to his worst statistical game of the season.
  10. The running back getting hurt is karma for what the linemen have done?
  11. Oh I understand now...Robert Royal sucks because he wasn't a first round pick. Out of all the insults Kellen Winslow has ever received, I think "Glorified Robert Royal" is probably the worst. I don't think the Bills should trade for Winslow either (and largely for the same reason), but a comparison between the two TE's is just ridiculous.
  12. Props are always flagged. All the props that Chad Johnson has used have been flagged. TO's sharpie got flagged. Joe Horn's cell phone got flagged. It would've been a 15 yarder.
  13. That's not the point. The point is he gets paid millions to play for his team. He was going to voluntarily take a 15 yard penalty on the ensuing kickoff, thereby hurting the team. That's the problem with it.
  14. Ok, that's fair. But we call JFK our first Catholic President. It doesn't imply that he was President of all the world's Catholics. So why can't we call Obama the first African American President?
  15. yeah,they don't make any sense. neither team is good enough to win in regulation, so they both get rewarded?
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