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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Oh please, the 49ers are one of the sh*ttiest teams out there and Singletary hasn't proven anything yet. Everybody is just loving on him because he showed some fire in the lockerroom. Big whoop. And Quinn? He held his own against the Broncos, possibly the worst defense in the NFL. I say 10-6.
  2. Probably gained even more respect with 2 TD and 0 INT...O Sullivan is sitting on the bench wondering how that statline is even possible.
  3. Roscoe was also a quarterback when he was in high school. I'd love to see him throw a little option pass after rolling to the right on a direct snap. He would easily fool whatever safety was dropping back in coverage and somebody should be wide open in loose single coverage. Why don't we grow a pair and experiment with this kind of stuff?
  4. Besides, the NFL would never have to worry about a Superbowl team having home field advantage that way!
  5. I've wondered about that myself, and this is what I came up with. When Madonna was popular (and pretty hot), Arod was a 13 or 14 year old kid who probably idolized her like a lot of teenage boys did back then. Now, if you grow up and have a chance to be with the woman that you probably rubbed one off to a million times when you were a kid, would it matter what she looked like? 20 years from now, if Heidi Klum wants to get together with me, I don't think I could say no, no matter what she looked like.
  6. I guess I'm sort of incapable of understanding where you all are coming from because I'm only 19 and I haven't suffered through as much, but I have a question. Why now? This is far from the worst team that the Bills have put on the field. There are promising young stars. Our Pro Bowl caliber WR just got signed to a long deal and hopefully our QB is next. The team should by all accounts improve their record from last year and the playoffs are not even close to being out of reach. So why now? Why not when we were finishing 5-11 or 7-9 and clearly not even headed in the right direction? Anybody who looks up and down the Bills roster will tell you that the team should be a contender once the youngsters have a couple more years under their belts. To me, this is not a group of guys worth giving up on.
  7. I'm too lazy to look up the thread, but after last week's loss the OP of this thread gave up on the bills and pledged his allegiance to the titans. And yet here he is again.
  8. I would accept a 2-0 win. W's are the only statistic that counts, doesn't matter at all how you get them.
  9. Ok that is your choice. Everybody has the right to free will. But, hypothetically, if the Bills win the Superbowl this year and you celebrate it makes you a hypocrite. After all, you gave up on the season. Let's say we go 10-6. Two 10-6 teams have won the Superbowl in the past four years. Just sayin.
  10. People who don't care about a team don't post on that team's fan message board. Why do so many people who get frustrated do this whole "I don't even like them anymore" routine. I'll eat my hat if you aren't tuned into ESPN on Monday Night.
  11. If you watched Monday Night against the Cowboys last season, you know just how fun it has the potential to be (excluding the horrible final kick)
  12. It would never work, as soon as the other team's defense saw JP on the field, they would sniff out the plan and then double cover Evans. It's not as if Evans can just automatically get open downfield on a whim.
  13. Well I don't know how you can call him a Giants homer when the referees agreed with him on both of those things.
  14. That is a stretch. Remember how McGahee was allergic to touchdowns?
  15. I think it'd be better if New England won because I think they have the best team overall in the AFC East. Our goal is to make the playoffs, not necessarily win the division, and I feel like we'll be fighting with the Jets for that last wildcard (if we can shape up). If the Jets lose to New England, and then to Tennessee the week after that, they are 6-5 and not in such great shape themselves.
  16. But just to make myself clear, your assertion that Dick Jauron purposely prevents Trent from throwing for 250 yards and that he purposely prevents Marshawn from gaining 100 is ridiculous. Why in the world would a head coach do that? I respect your opinion, but it sounds like conspiracy theory stuff to me.
  17. Dude, the post was just my excuse to use the Billy Madison reference, don't freak out.
  18. He's been breaking tackles left and right the last few weeks. I know his returning style is a little bit different. He takes a couple seconds to size up his blocks and tacklers instead of sprinting right off the bat, but as long as the results are there I'm not complaining one bit.
  19. Hell yeah, brother. I've been doing my best to battle all the chicken littles over the past two weeks. People just fail to see the big picture. The only that matters in the game of football (or any other sport) is your record. We're 5-3 and people are panicking because we've lost two straight. If we had started the season off with 3 straight losses and then won the next 5, this board would be an entirely different, optimistic place. I say we take it to the Cheatriots today 24-13. LET'S GO BUFFALLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! THE BILLS MAKE ME WANNA SHOUT
  20. No, a thousand times no. I'm not a huge JP detractor and I think he'll make a decent starting QB for a different team, but you never take your starter (and future of the team) out after a bad half. Now, if he's thrown for 40 yards and 3 interceptions or something ridiculous like that, then you consider it. But if he's just struggling like he struggled against the Jets and Dolphins, you leave him in there and let him work it out. If you take Trent out at half time, you introduce a quarterback controversy into the mix of a team that is already struggling. That's basically ASKING not to make the playoffs.
  21. My older brother (a very smart guy) is extremely dyslexic and has struggled with illiteracy his entire life. It is definitely not funny.
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