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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. That doesn't mean it wasn't also in Space Jam. It's the scene where Barkley, Bradley, Bogues and Johnson are all wandering around sad because the aliens took their basketball skills.
  2. God, I hope so. The Browns are notorious for struggling against quick tight ends.
  3. I saw it yesterday at the midnight premiere. It wasn't very good, don't get your hopes up. Casino Royale was 10 times better.
  4. Do INT stats ever indicate the effectiveness of a defensive back? Just wondering.
  5. I get the feeling he was a one hit wonder unfortunately. Derrr, I'm Scott Malkinson and I have a lithp and diabeteth hahahah
  6. I've never been sold on Josh Smith. Yes, he's very young and very physically talented. However, he isn't a shooter and I'd be surprised if he ever improves upon his career 44% shooting percentage. For some reason, he's convinced he's a good 3 point shooter but he's one of the worst in the league. On top of that, he's too big to keep at small forward where they have him now, but too small to ever be a dominant power forward. I have a buddy who's a Knicks fan and he actually predicted a breakout year for Wilson Chandler. I called him crazy and now it looks like I'm going to be eating my words. The dude has serious skill and he's just a ferocious defender. And what can you say about Dwight Howard? I know he was being defended by the likes of Johan Petro and Robert Swift, but come on? 30 points, 19 rebounds, and 10 blocks? That is straight up insane. I think this is the first of a few MVP years for Howard.
  7. I thought the episode was hilarious actually, though I'm only a couple years removed from high school and I had to sit through those movies when I was babysitting my niece. My advice, do NOT watch them. They are evil.
  8. They have certainly been impressive so far. Just BARELY lost to the world champion celtics 103-102 today, their first loss of the season. Al Horford is going to be a superstar in this league but he's got some learning to do. Guarded by Kevin Garnett today, he only managed 5 points and 3 rebounds despite going for 27 points, 17 rebonds and 6 blocks against Joakim Noah in Chicago the other day. KG is the best defensive power forward in the game, bar none.
  9. Uh, also he's 0-2 on the year and lost 38-13 to one of the sh*ttiest teams in the NFL. You know what happens to interim coaches who don't win games? They are replaced by the start of the next season.
  10. I get the feeling that if the Bills ever fired Jauron mid-season next year or the year after that, April would be named interim coach. I'd be intrigued to see the results to say the least.
  11. I think Wright fumbled 3 times and Omon fumbled twice. I could be wrong, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
  12. Why? Because he showed us his incredible fumbling abilities in the preseason?
  13. Against an offensive line anchored by Joe Thomas? I doubt it.
  14. What do you mean another DB? We only had 4 cornerbacks active on our roster before Fox.
  15. Ok, so they proved 3 random people on the streets of Harlem are dumb. Whats your point?
  16. You really think Edwards is throwing on 85% of all downs? What game have you been watching?
  17. Nice, I remember Fox laying out some brutal hits on special teams last year.
  18. He ran for 1100 fuggin yards his rookie season, how bad could he suck? Clearly, the O-line has taken a big step backwards.
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