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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I don't think he's a troll, because he presents a logical argument from the perspective of an outsider. He just fails to include the emotional factor that comes with growing up in Buffalo.
  2. My Mom knew a guy who punched through his window during a fight with his wife, slit his wrist and died from the blood loss. Moral of the story, don't mess with glass.
  3. I thought the Braves moved to LA and became the Clippers.
  4. I take it you're not from Buffalo. Did Baltimore Colts fans root for the Indianapolis Colts? No. I'm sorry if this is petty, but if the Superbowl parade isn't in the city of Buffalo, I can't celebrate it.
  5. Sorry if this is shameless self-promotion, but I think I did a pretty good job of capturing the emotions of the typical Bills fan in this... http://wvbr.com:9010/index.php?page=sportsblog I'm considering submitting it to the school newspaper, even though the paper is a rag.
  6. Edwards certainly had a rapport going with Reed before he got injured. I doubt Reed's absence is a primary cause of Edwards' poor play but it certainly hasn't helped.
  7. Yes it would have. Still a rookie WR (taken in the 7th round) getting 3 receptions for 41 yards when the QB was absolutely terrified to throw down-field is nothing to sneeze at.
  8. Remember when he hit the winning field goal with a couple seconds left against Washington last year from 38 yards? Or when he made the winning field goal against the Raiders with time expiring this year?
  9. He sucks from beyond 40 yards. He is the best kicker in the game from inside 40 yards. So naturally, Jauron doesn't try to push the field goal try inside the 40 mark.
  10. When he says "that's well within his range" and when he evokes Nick Folk's name, he is defending the playcalling, not throwing Lindell under the bus.
  11. Like murra, I can't tell if you're joking, but if you have to blame somebody for not making a game-changing play, blame Reggie Corner for not wrapping up Quinn on that would-be sack.
  12. Thanks. I honestly didn't hear the announcers repeating wide right. I was just too devastated and the kick just kept (and keeps) playing over and over again in my mind.
  13. I'm man enough to admit I've shed tears over the Bills in the past, but this time I just took a walk home from my friends apartment in the snow in utter stunned silence.
  14. For the next couple days, can we stop the fighting and negative comments against each other on this board? We were all watching this horror movie today, and we all have different opinions on where to pass out the blame, but let's just be brothers in arms for a little.
  15. Good post murra, I was born in 1989 as well, had season tickets, etc...basically the same story you told. I am with this team til death do we part. Today matched last year's MNF in pain for me. I won't get over this one until they win again. Since I have your attention though murra (and i'm aware this is a bad time), you were a big mckelvin detractor, care to take that back?
  16. Now, I've been a patient Jauron apologist so far, but I am just done. Finished. Kaput. Get the man out of there. Every single player on the Bills left his heart out on the field today and Jauron ripped the victory away with candy-ass play calling at the end (Schonert, you're gone too). Rian Lindell hasn't missed one from inside 40 since '06 and you're settling for a 47 yarder???? What's the risk in throwing? The 5% chance it gets intercepted? The Bills played their hearts out today, only to find out that their head coach and offensive coordinator don't trust them to complete a pass when it counts the most. Jauron is lucky he's nowhere near me right now or I might beat him within an inch of his life. He is the ONLY coach in the NFL that would have called 3 consecutive vanilla running plays in that situation. The only one. I don't know if I've ever been more pissed off.
  17. I understand your frustration at ESPN but I don't let it piss me off. ESPN is in the business of making money just like everybody else. It's a national station and more people want to hear about the Cowboys than the Bills. If they show the Cowboys content, they get higher ratings. If they get higher ratings, companies pay more for advertising. Plain and simple.
  18. Yes! Good stuff kiwi. LETS GO BUFFALO LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Read the thread, that post was a quasi-joke. I gamble.
  20. I wasn't implying that athletes don't gamble. In fact, I'm sure that some of them do. My point was that everybody is just so much quicker to jump on the referees. When they make an honest mistake (because they are human) everybody is out for their blood.
  21. Well I wasn't really trying to "get" anybody. I just like saying douchebaggy things and seeing how long it takes for someone to make me own it.
  22. I believe the reason they didn't change the call was because it didn't affect the outcome of the game, as it was the last play of the game. In fact, Polamalu was dumb for returning the ball and potentially risking a fumble. He should have just fallen to the ground.
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