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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. So outed gays shouldn't be allowed in the military because you find them creepy? I find taxidermists kind of creepy, I guess I should get to lobbying for taxidermists to be disallowed from the military too.
  2. Oh, ok. Well according to a diehard Knicks fan who's a friend of mine, they are after him. He correctly predicted Crawford and Randolph would be gone so I'm gonna take his word on this one.
  3. Yeah, and that statement would make sense if the members of twobillsdrive were the ones drafting. Of course, it's the front office's job to dwell on the pick to make sure they don't make similar mistakes with another QB, but we as fans have no responsibility to study Losman.
  4. Umm, this is a public message board dude. Nobody has to be invited into a thread. Send PMs if you don't want anyone and everyone responding.
  5. Yeah, but aren't we pretty poor compared to most teams when it comes to YAC?
  6. Does anybody know who is lined up to be quarterback next season for the Bulls? I think Naaman Roosevelt and James Starks are both juniors, so the offensive weapons will still be there, but who is going to be the new field general, and can he repeat this sort of season?
  7. How dare you make such an assertion??? Haven't you been reading these boards at all? If you had been, you'd know that Edwards is a lousy good-for-nothing weak-armed QB who wouldn't even be able to throw it down field if he wasn't too scared to!
  8. Simple question, what will the Bills' record be at the end of the year? I'm interested to see if the most popular answer is the same as the actual result.
  9. Also, Chase Patton (the backup from missouri) is slated to go pretty high.
  10. I don't know where you are getting your information from, but nobody has McCoy pegged as a first round pick. Out of everybody, Stafford is ranked the highest (has absolutely a GUN for an arm.) And Harrell? I don't know. He's got a nice arm and pocket presence, and his numbers are absolutley gaudy, but he's a product of the Texas Tech system. Just like Timmy Change and Colt Brennan haven't made a splash, it might be the same story for Harrell. But time will tell.
  11. I don't think resting people is a good idea. Ball State will be an incredibly tough opponent and they want to head into the game with a full head of steam. Besides, knowing UB they'll have to win the game in the 6th OT or something.
  12. Word on the street is that the Knicks' targets are Lebron and Carlos Boozer (another 2010 guy).
  13. Yes, but almost everybody I talk to seems to have the same "Buffalo is a dead end, the NFL will make far more money if the franchise moves to Toronto" attitude. That's more what I was talking about.
  14. Well from an attendance perspective, the Blue Jays and Expos were the two teams that suffered the worst from the 1994 strike year. Of course for the Expos fans, there was a feeling of treachery because they were a heavy favorite to win the World Series that year. But aside from that, I've always found it interesting that Canadian baseball never really recovered from the strike, whereas the American teams show no lingering effects.
  15. Says the man who constantly refers to Trent as a "glove wearing Mary". And yes, I must be REALLY misunderstanding a mathematical principle if I think 6-4 is better than 5-5. Having control of tiebreakers helps. Not having to rely on tiebreakers helps more.
  16. The loss doesn't HELP them in a tie-breaker scenario. It just doesn't hurt them as much. Wouldn't you rather be 6-4?
  17. Ok fair enough, I have to back down in the face of statistics. However, the few friends that I have from Toronto tell me that the Argos are a big deal. Maybe it's a small dedicated base?
  18. Do you really think it would take though? Don't you think we're too set in our ways for the most part to accept a new league? You say the smaller markets might lose their NFL franchises. So let's say Buffalo, Cleveland, KC, etc lose their NFL teams and the CFL moves in. I'm not sure enough people would buy it. Most Bills fans I know would just give up on football if the Bills ever left town, and I'm sure that's the case in the other small market cities.
  19. Our strategy should be a heavy rushing attack, as I believe the Chiefs are one of the worst in the NFL against the run. I'd also like to see us exploit them with a little play action if the running is working.
  20. I'm just gonna go out there and say this...Canadians, in my experience, are much kinder people than Americans. Essentially, the cultures of American and Canada are relatively similar but I've always found my trips up north to be incredibly pleasant. I'm hoping to graduate college and go into sports broadcasting, and if my job takes me up to Toronto or another Canadian city, I'd be more than happy about that. Plus, lots of Tim Hortons.
  21. I've been arguing this for years. Americans just assume that Toronto will glom onto any franchise the NFL throws their way, but they absolutely love the Argonauts up there! Yes, the NFL is a brand of football with the most talented players. But that doesn't a guarantee that tickets will sell and that the team would be marketable. Imagine if the CFL decided to expand to America (they actually did one time in Vegas) and they put a team in Buffalo. Let's hypothetically say that the new team was more successful than the Bills. Would anybody choose the new CFL team over the Bills? No way in hell. So why do we think the Torontans will choose the Bills over the Argos? I doubt the stadium would even sell out after the first few games.
  22. Until the Bills kickoff in KC. Frankly, I don't care how many games they lose, the Bills game is ALWAYS the highlight of my week. But this week, they're gonna kick some arse.
  23. Well the draft is all about the buzz machine. Willy's draft stock will be determined over his performance in the MAC championship and then the bowl game.
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