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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Ok you have a point at digging the pucks out of the corner, but if you watched the beginning of the season you know that it was the complete opposite when we were winning. The team is in a slump and a big reason for it is Miller being in a pretty bad slump himself. We've actually been outshooting the opposing team for the most part during this losing streak, which says to me that bad luck is playing a role here as well.
  2. And yet they have a 1-2 record to show for it since he became HC.
  3. That's good news, I like him and he'll be necessary with our depleted secondary. Hopefully he can hold Gonzales in check. But I'd edit the name of the thread, I thought I was going to be reading something about the New Orleans Hornets' head coach.
  4. Oh I get it now, you can't answer my question so you deflected it onto me with another question.
  5. I can tell you're one of those guys who says unpopular things just so people will argue with him, so I'm not even going to bother this time. But still, shame on you for the Alzheimer Ralph things, it's really tasteless. My grandfather has Alzheimers and I doubt you'd be making jokes if your family was going through what mine is right now.
  6. I guess I was looking for a rationale too, even though I didn't specify. To assert that a professional hockey player isn't a "tough" person is pretty ridiculous and yet you've given me a laundry list of names. I would never call a defenseman a wimp because I don't think you have any idea about the blinding pain he feels when he blocks a shot. So please cite examples of these guys not being "tough" and I'll believe you. But I've been watching the same games as you and to me, they've been playing their hearts out with bad results.
  7. There are 32 teams. If 31 teams run the play action, its 97%. If 32 teams run it, it's 100%. No 99% in there.
  8. Hahahaha you are so funny making an Alzheimers joke...i wish i was as funny as you.
  9. I personally don't understand why there aren't more former QBs at OC. On the field, they are responsible for understanding every single facet of the offense and comprehending how to correctly read and analyze defenses, so why don't teams use that talent when they get off the field? It's the same reason that almost half of all the managers in baseball used to be catchers.
  10. Only you could use up 9 lines of text and say absolutely nothing.
  11. Ok, I understand your frustration with Jauron's obvious lack of emotion toward this team's recent downfall. But why point a finger at Preston and Walker? Those are two rational (and true) comments that they made. What did you want them to say? "Yeah, I'm f*cking pissed at the team. We're playing like bags of sh*t out there and if we don't win 6 consecutive games, we don't deserve to be in the f*cking NFL!" Is that what you want them to say to the reporters? Get a grip. Besides, after watching the 68 seconds segments, you know Walker is the biggest teddy bear on the team. And my mom volunteers with Preston at a soup kitchen every wednesday and she says he buys about 1000 turkeys every year on Thanksgiving and passes them out to needy inner-city families without asking for any recognition. So that shows what a viscious guy he is. My point is, don't get pissed at players for making rational statements to the media.
  12. Same here. BUT I like Rudy. That's the only facet of ND I'll ever like.
  13. I can agree with that. But I like to play devil's advocate when talking about Kennedy. Because he was assassinated, history views him through rose colored glasses as some infallible knight in shining armor, something he was not.
  14. Examples please. Other than the example I already mentioned. Have you actually watched enough of the Chiefs this year to know that the coaches try harder, or are you just operating on a pre-conceived notion? Because, really, you shouldn't be praising the coaching staff of a 1-9 team without good reason.
  15. He also botched the Bay of Pigs Invasion so badly that the world was almost brought to its knees by nuclear weapons. And I think we have Robert Kennedy and McNamara to thank for guiding us out of the missile crisis. Kennedy was also notoriously bad at getting his legislation pushed through Congress due to his inexperience. That said, history looks upon him as a charismatic man that gave the country hope during the Cold War and who genuinely cared about and believed in his country.
  16. Ok I agree 100%. But are you basing that solely on Herm Edwards' decision to go for 2 to win the game against San Diego? Or do you comprehensively know that KC tries harder to win than us?
  17. And yet, they have been losing. I guess it doesn't matter.
  18. That is rough, dude. Watching the Bills lose is always better from a recliner on a big screen.
  19. Edwards has not been audibling on those interceptions.
  20. Well that's a vapid generalization about finishing 5-11 or 11-5, but I agree with the sentiment that we should run the ball more. But not because I've lost faith in Edwards, because I think he will be the primary beneficiary of an improved running game.
  21. You use Brees as your example of a touch passer, but I think a better one would be Chad Pennington. He doesn't put much zip on the ball, but he can lob grenades right into the waiting arms of his receivers. Brees isn't a bad case either, but I think his loft comes from his being too short to simply zip it over the line.
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