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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I should start writing these people down, as a sort of "I told you so" list for when the Bills win the Superbowl (maybe a couple years from now).
  2. We need to win 4 out of 5, but only a loss to San Fran would be acceptable. I think losing another AFC game would just entirely doom us in terms of tiebreakers.
  3. Are you kidding? He was one of the only Chiefs to have a good day today. 113 yards and touchdown. And he's widely regarded as one of the classiest players in the league. Oh, but how DARE he not want to play in Buffalo? Anybody who doesn't feel like playing in Buffalo must be an as*hole. Get a grip dude.
  4. Chargers just made it 20-17 with 5:36 on the clock. If they can actually stop Manning, they have a chance to tie or win. An Indy loss would be huge for the Bills.
  5. Yeah, that disappointed me a little bit too. Thought we were a little more classy. My only thought is that Edwards finally looked good again, and the coaches wanted him rolling into the next game with a full head of steam?
  6. Indy just went ahead 17-10. It doesn't matter how many games we win if Baltimore, New England, and Indy refuse to lose.
  7. To me, "deviant behavior" has a largely negative connotation and also implies that the homosexual makes a conscious choice to be that way. Maybe you have a different view on the term.
  8. I thought genii was the plural form of "genie". Maybe it's both. But I just love it when somebody makes a grammatical mistake in a post where they're trying to call somebody else stupid. It's just delicious irony.
  9. Does it need defending? It's a much milder celebration than we see from these guys at times, and I don't think it was exactly tasteless. Plus, it was on the sideline, so he wasn't trying to show up KC or anything.
  10. So now homosexuality is "deviant behavior" and the military is a "club", huh? The Boy Scouts, now that's a privately owned club. They can do whatever they want. The military, that's a government entity and should not be allowed to discriminate based on behavior a person has no control over.
  11. Because....you're a fan of street gangs? You posted the thread to complain about McKelvin flashing gang signs, and then once that is debunked you move on to saying that you'd have more respect for him if it was gang related.
  12. He just got burnt by TO and company all day long.
  13. He mostly has bad days in San Fran. Today wasn't an anamoly.
  14. And you know that's a gang symbol how? I'll assume you meant the X he made with his arms after the TD. Maybe it's a shout out to his brother or something innocent like that. Why does it have to be a gang symbol?
  15. I know it was the Chefs, but watching them put up 54 was just awesome. I haven't had this much fun watching football in a long time.
  16. HA! Did you even watch the game against the Jets? The interception he made was just an excellent play. I'm just as high on McKelvin right now as everybody else, but an injured Greer is still the superior CB imo.
  17. And you know who you are. You were wrong, dead wrong. If you were looking for a play-maker and a game-changer on defense, this is your guy. Also, he very well might be the most consistent return man in the NFL right now.
  18. Well his stock is pretty high right now and the job would mean more money, but I think Robinson screwed Cuse up so bad that Gill couldn't hope for any better than a 3-9 season the first couple years. I'm afraid he'd get run out of town before he got the chance to work his magic. If I were him, I'd choose a rising program like UB over Syracuse. But maybe he'll get an even better offer. He was the second choice after Bo Pellini to take over as HC of Nebraska last off-season, so he does have some national recognition.
  19. No, it's the record that counts. That's the only thing that counts. And it's funny how you mention the MON night game as evidence of Singletary being a good coach. If the Bills had lost the game on that sort of play calling, you'd be tearing Jauron limb from limb.
  20. Ok, Roy is not a "great skill player". He is undersized, not particularly fast, and has a below average shot. He is the definition of the gritty player. But my point is that if Miller is stopping more shots and we're winning the games (when we went 6-0-1 in our first 7 games, we were not scoring very many goals), we wouldn't be hearing any of this stuff about who's tough and who isn't. The team lives and dies with the goaltender. The perfect example is our most recent game against Boston. We scored 4 in the first period, but Miller allowed 7 goals on just 20 shots. If we win the game 4-1, you'd praise the offense, but since we lost 7-4 then we are not tough enough, right?
  21. I read that and was impressed by the insight and research that he did. It just goes to show that Bill Simmons is a very talented sportswriter when he stops fellating Boston area sports teams.
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