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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Well you certainly provide credibility to your argument. I guess if you make a ridiculous statement and then say "end of story", it has to be true!
  2. He was joking I think. The guy he responded to was faking pessimism as a sort of anti-jinx and he was doing the same.
  3. Ummmm, are we talking about the Thomas Jones who's been the most productive RB in the AFC this year? But otherwise, very good post. A running back's shelf life is certainly short.
  4. Running backs tend to "hit the wall" faster than any other position. It doesn't tend to be a slow steady decline. Rather, one year they have it, the next year they don't. That's why I'll never blame Barry Sanders or Tiki Barber for quitting while they were ahead.
  5. Doesn't what you said prove that it's the better play? He took it to the house even though he had a tons of obstacles in his way. The fact that he broke tackles cheapens it?
  6. I guess leading the team in sacks and single-handedly winning us the game against the Chargers is lame, huh? Everybody on this board just reacts to what happened last week. Every player seems to be judged based on his performance in the most recent game.
  7. That is correct, I did not read the links. But I shall now.
  8. But this fails to take Texas Tech into account. Texas beat Oklahoma. Oklahoma beat Texas Tech. Texas Tech beat Texas. It's a rock-paper-scissors type of situation, so who's to say which team is the best? This is the thing that bothers me the most about the BCS...punishment for losing a game late in the season is worse than losing one early on.
  9. Can we really blame the refs? You have to know their orders are coming straight from the top. There's no reason the refs would want to protect the QB, but the NFL certainly wants to.
  10. Ok well we've gotten off topic I think. The question is whether or not openly gay people should be allowed to serve. The genetics behind homosexuality are not at issue here, IMO. Take Person A. He was born gay and wants to join the military. And then there's Person B. He decided to be gay at the age of 14 and wants to join the military. What's the difference? They both want to serve their country...sooooo....wait for it....LET THEM SERVE THEIR COUNTRY!
  11. Well he was primarily responsible for Dwayne Bowe who only had 3 receptions (though they did go for 58 yards and a TD). Gonzales got 113 yards so McLovin had nothing to do with that, as Gonzales was generally the responsibility of Simpson and Ellison. And on Mark Bradley's long TD, it was because George Wilson decided it was a good time to fall down. I was actually impressed by McLovin's coverage skills.
  12. I'm an avid fan of Big Ten football and he was one of my favorite guys, coming out of Purdue and all. I knew he was a solid QB but all the "experts" could talk about was how he's 5' 11". Just goes to show that height doesn't actually mean all that much for a QB.
  13. I totally agree with what you're saying, but I think on that particular play Mitchell decided to go for the ball and fumble recover TD instead of taking the sack and a safety. That was my first impression anyway.
  14. You got it, bucko. Brad Butler consistently grades out as our best offensive lineman, but nobody (on this board anyway) ever seems to want to give him his due.
  15. They have not played badly. Neither is having a pro bowl type season, but they have been effective. If you want to point out our deficiencies against Favre, Pennington, Warner, etc...point a finger at our total lack of a pass rush. When the QB has all day in the pocket, there isn't much the DBs can do.
  16. My friends and I noticed him too. Our theory is that he wants to tell people 15 years from now about how he sat in the very last seat of the stadium during the entirety of a 54-31 loss in the freezing cold. Something to brag about.
  17. Maybe, but we'll never know, so what's the point in dwelling on it? Maybe he would have been effective, maybe he would have even gotten a pick, or maybe he would have allowed Ginn to get 250 yards. We will never know.
  18. Give me a break, McNabb has been a top 5 quarterback for almost his entire career and this is actually shaping up to be his worst statistical season. His trademark has always been a low interception rate (only 89 so far in a 10 year span) and a high completion percentage. If there's one knock on him it's his inability to manage a clock at the end of a game, and that's probably why there isn't a SB ring on his finger, but in the grand scheme of things he has been a very very good quarterback. So please, give me some evidence of his "not being that good to begin with". I'm really interested on your take because you seem convinced.
  19. Ok impressive, but let's see if he can take down Forrest Gump.
  20. Because we tend to suffer from similar mediocrity and finish the same place in our respective divisions.
  21. You know that the Bills are going to be 15-0 when the world ends right?
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