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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It's my understanding that almost every coach chooses to defer when he wins the toss. I don't have the statistics in front of me, but you're acting like Jauron is unique in this strategy. That said, fire Jauron now.
  2. And wide receivers seem to be dumber than your average pro athlete for some reason.
  3. I haven't seen the background, but my guess would be Oakland perhaps?
  4. The 1000 yards and 8 TDs I mentioned includes his impressive receiving yards. And if you're implying that his laughing means he doesn't take the game seriously enough, then yeah I guess it might appear like that, but as long as he tries his ass off everytime he touches the ball then that's good enough. He's just having a fun time out there playing a kid's game. I think the sport could use more guys like that.
  5. I hate the Patriots for how they run up the score and illegally hit players without punishment, and seem to have the refs in their bankroll (wasnt called for a SINGLE holding call in 2007)...not for the illegal taping scandal. I wouldn't be incredibly surprised if every team hasn't dabbled in taping as it's a relatively easy thing to get away with (Pats were only caught because Mangini blew them in). In other words, I hate the Pats but not because of the spying scandal like most people.
  6. Are you actually saying that Marshawn doesn't give 200% on every play? Because if you are, I am confident in saying that you haven't been watching the games. Say what you want about the effectiveness of his style of running, but insinuating that Marshawn (who has 1000 yards from scrimmage and 8 touchdowns) doesnt try is just plain ignorant. Marshawn is one of the top 5 players on our team in my opinion.
  7. Poz's comment would be perfect if he didn't include the word "considered". It was probably just a slip of the tongue, and I'm guessing his sentiment was "it's frustrating how we're playing and we want to improve as a defense". Nothing wrong with that, but again that's just my inference.
  8. If I were you I'd do what my brother does. He has season tickets but he can only make it to 2-3 games a year, so he just sells the remaining tickets on ebay and actually makes a sizeable profit off of it. He does the same for Sabres games and all in all, he makes a few thousand dollars. Of course, the system only works if the venues are selling out.
  9. I'd like to note that I can't remember a single instance when a Bills player overreacted to a TD, INT, sack (well, there havent been many) this year. Say what you want about Dick, he at least seems to have his players on the straight and narrow. I can't remember any disciplinary issues in his regime either.
  10. Well, they live and die with Warner. He was excellent against us and they blew us out. He's thrown 2 INT's today and Zona is in a hole.
  11. Who the hell cares, he just copy/pastes...it doesn't matter.
  12. OJ was acquitted, Vick was convicted. That's the difference.
  13. It got all the women in my house watching, and they totally lost their focus on preparing dinner. It's a real shame.
  14. Tennessee coming off their first loss means they will be out for a measure of revenge. Det. showed that they can blow a 17 point lead in a matter of minutes. Agreed, but his great game won't be coming against the vaunted Tennessee defense. Same deal as above, Collins' 3 interception day might be coming, but not against the Lions D. Tennessee still has to fight for homefield advantage throughout, as the Jets have a good chance of finishing 12-4 or 13-3. Detroit SHOULD be desperate for respect but they're not playing like it. So, I'm calling it right now, most obvious win of the season (century?).
  15. So now it's Dick's fault that Ellison and Lehman are injured?
  16. Seeing as Ricky Williams was pretty bad in the CFL and then immediately left once he had the opportunity, I don't really see too many people being in love with him there.
  17. How about Jacobs and Ward? With a little Bradshaw mixed in too. I'm jealous of the Giants.
  18. Why would that be true? There are a lot of Bills fans up north, and I don't suspect there are may fins fans up there.
  19. I just like arguing with people, even if I don't believe in what I'm arguing. Honestly, the coach sounds like a cool guy.
  20. I respect your opinion, but the very fact that an 11 year old kid who was dealt the worst hand a person can be dealt used his wish to help other people instead of taking a trip to Disney or whatever...it amazes me.
  21. So you look fondly back upon this homophobic tirade? That's a very offensive pejorative term to homosexuals. What if he had stormed over to the kid and said "if i see one more piece of n*gger jewelry on my effing football field...", would that have been in the spirit of the game as well?
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