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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. harsh, dude it's an annoying video with a REALLY annoying song, but why the slur?
  2. I know what you mean...they don't do a close-up on the guy's head, so it isn't exactly gruesome, but it's one of the more haunting scenes I've witnessed.
  3. You'd be surprised how many times I've seen the comparisons to the rest of the working class without even a hint of sarcasm. My post didn't just relate to yours.
  4. Well he broke off engagements to Courtney Love and Salma Hayek . The former was a good move, but I don't know if he can be forgiven for the latter.
  5. Really? I've heard otherwise, that he's a social activist. Of course, I can't agree with his being an Orioles fan...
  6. The three highlights of McKinnie's career: 1. 98 day holdout 2. Sex boat scandal - $41,000 fine 3. Assaulting a security guard - 4 game suspension We really missed out.
  7. I agree with you on Williams, but Rogers was notoriously injury prone. I actually think a lot of teams with WR needs would have skipped on him at the #2 position.
  8. One of the best I've ever seen. Edward Norton is the best actor of our generation.
  9. So now we're criticizing the front office over the presence of an undersized linebacker ON THE PRACTICE SQUAD? new low
  10. And the one year we did truly bite the big one, the results were Mike Williams.
  11. These kind of comparisons get thrown around a lot here. "If I were a ____ and I only did my job correctly _____ out of every _______times, I'd get canned!" You know what the difference is between playing pro football and most other jobs??? In those other jobs, people aren't directly trying to prevent you from doing your job! If every accountant had 31 other accountants trying to make sure he didn't do his job correctly, he wouldn't be as good! Why do people think this is a legit comparison?
  12. Please no Kyle Boller, he's just JP Losman in a Ravens jersey.
  13. I'm still a fan of Dick in a box, but this was a great effort. These digital shorts are better than anything the show produces.
  14. Why? There are plenty of teams worse than us right now, and we are far from being the only team to never win a superbowl. What makes us so special?
  15. Mr. Blonde dancing around with the knife to Steeler's Wheel is one of the best scenes ever.
  16. I've gotta agree with I Am Sam. Those are excellent covers, especially the one that The Wallflowers (led by Jakob Dylan) do of I'm Looking Through You.
  17. To me, the best soundtrack ever is from Rudy. It's truly inspirational. I also like the music from Pirates of the Caribbean (the Klaus Badeldt stuff, not the Hans Zimmer)
  18. This post illustrates the wrong attitude that most people have on this board. That attitude being that a player is either a gamechanger or he sucks. Aren't you all aware that most players in the NFL don't fit either of these categories. Most players aren't gamechangers and most players don't "suck". Now, Poz has fit into this gray area. He's forced one fumble and recorded zero sacks, but he also leads the team with an impressive 91 tackles. He's average so far. Not everybody has to be in a polarized category.
  19. Now that you mention it, something else comes to mind. The Bills were 4-0, and then I got a haircut at a different place than I usually go to. After that, they've been 2-7. Call me crazy, but there's got to be a connection there, right? Come on dude, don't go all conspiracy theory on us. Agreed, contracts should ideally be handled in the offseason, but Evans' contract is probably somewhere close to number 350 on the list of reasons we've turned sour as a team. You gotta pick your battles.
  20. Well, nobody besides the elderly goes into a Cracker Barrel in the first place, so I find the story feasible.
  21. Uh, yeah he was. He couldn't make a tackle to save his life, and the opposing offense gained an average of 15 yards when a pass was thrown to the receiver he was covering.
  22. I think Malkin's the better player, anyway. Not that I like either of them.
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