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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Concussions affect people in different ways on different occasions. A buddy of mine has had three concussions (two from hockey, one from a car accident). Most days he is perfectly fine. Other days, he suffers from horrible migraines and claims he just can't focus. He's even had blackouts. The long term symptoms of a concussion don't lend themselves to consistency. That said, I doubt that Trent's groin injury was completely fabricated. Why would the organization pretend it was a groin when head issues are a perfectly legitimate reason not to play?
  2. Is it ever actually "worth" watching? I always fall for the trap...ooooh biggest night in entertainment!!! And then afterward I feel gypped out of 4 hours of my life. They keep you hanging on until the big awards at the VERY end of the show. Meanwhile, you get to see Best Cinematography! The Oscars are like candy corn. Its traditional, you feel like you SHOULD like it, you take part every year, and you're disappointed every single time.
  3. Heres the plot according to wiki... The plot chronicles the romantic misadventures of several individuals in their twenties and thirties. The common thread is that one person in each relationship is more "into" the other person than vice versa. At the core of these multiple stories is Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin), a young woman who repeatedly misinterprets the signs that men give her about their level of interest in her. The more experienced and romantically successful Alex (Justin Long), the manager of a bar, advises her on how to understand men. Other plotlines include married couple Janine (Jennifer Connelly) and Ben (Bradley Cooper), who are going through a rough patch—leading him to flirt with Anna (Scarlett Johansson), an aspiring singer. Anna, in turn, is dating Connor (Kevin Connolly), but is clearly less into him than he is into her. The final major plot arc is Neil (Ben Affleck) and Beth's (Jennifer Aniston) story. They have cohabited for several years, but break up when Beth desires to get married and Neil refuses. Drew Barrymore, one of the film's producers, is also featured as a newspaper editor who helps Connor promote his real-estate business. She herself has trouble comprehending the semiotics of dating. Now do you want to see it? Plus, it's rated PG 13....
  4. Don't fall for it Steely! That's how they lure you in. The only good reason to support the chick flick industry is to get some action after the movie. Not to watch the cast. That part's just smoke and mirrors.
  5. The kid's 15 years old, he'll learn technique.
  6. One of my theories on life is that every single person should have to work minimum two years in the service industry. I can guarantee you that lady never had to be on the butt end of this scenario. If everybody worked two years in the service industry, you wouldn't see anybody yelling at a hardworking delivery boy.
  7. So Cowher is the only acceptable head coach in the entire realm of football? Don't you think that's a little extreme?
  8. Wow, awesome. I love Aziz. He's on an MTV sketch comedy show called The Human Giant that makes me laugh my ass off. This will make the show better.
  9. Single plays don't change seasons, except if a key player goes down for the season.
  10. No, I agree wholeheartedly. However, I don't think you nor I nor anyone else could stop the "Jauron needs to go NOW...bring in Cowher" posts. Thye've taken on a life of their own.
  11. Holy crap, you knew the Bills would put up 54 on KC? Why didnt you tell us so we could head to Vegas with that info?
  12. Butler gets a D??? Stroud gets a B???????? What have you been watching? The O-line instantly became better once Butler was uninjured and is it Stroud's fault that he's been double teamed all year? Give me a break.
  13. Agreed, I'll take Aniston over Lima. However, if we're nitpicking, I'll actually take Aniston on top of Lima.
  14. No doubt. My older brother (now a die hard bills guy) was once the proud owner of a Dan Marino jersey. My other brothers and I rib him for that all the time.
  15. Goddamn Philly fans. They're so pissed at Andy Reid that they're already prepared to kick Mike Holmgren out of town too!
  16. Clayton wins. http://www.theonion.com/content/from_print...o_reveals_espns
  17. How about Seattle? Just lost their NBA team, Mariners are horrible, Seahawks are horrible, University of Washington just finished its 0-11 season.
  18. Jay Sage will not be drafted in the first round. At least not by the Bills.
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