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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Nope. Borderline call, and nobody knows what the right answer is here. Here's what bothers me about these officiating conspiracy theories (like this one and the hochuli mistake earlier on)...If the refs really wanted to fix the game, they wouldn't have to do it so blatantly. If the fix was really in, nobody would notice. There would be a phantom holding call here, a false start there...maybe they say somebody stepped out of bounds when they actually didn't. They wouldn't wait until the final minute of the game and just rely on the fact that there will be a borderline call. That's what makes these sort of conspiracy theories ridiculous. If you want to assert that the refs favor the Patriots*, maybe you should cite how they were not called for a single holding penalty in 2007.
  2. Most definitely, and not just for the fans, for the players too. From what I've been reading, there are multiple players who are very upset at the playcalling and Jauron right now. I think it would do a lot for the team's confidence if they didn't have this bad taste in their mouth after week 17.
  3. Yeah baby! Let's play spoilers...if we can't make the playoffs, I want to make sure the Jets and Patriots don't either. Unfortunately, somebody has to win the division.
  4. Now that's something we can ALL agree upon. Even RW can't be too senile to know that they suck big salty balls. For the money he makes, I've never seen a less effective player than Chris Kelsay. He gets driven 10 yards into the backfield on every play. He overpursues on screens (probably because he's just so damn excited that he actually gets to touch the QB), he can't make fundamental tackles, etc, etc, etc. He just sucks. Denney isn't much better, and Schobel is clearly on the wrong side of his career. I'm gonna blow a freakin gasquet if we don't draft a DE with our first pick.
  5. But see, even if one of his songs is catchy, it isnt "his". The song is popular because of Daft Punk and whoever blended DP and Kanye together. Even if you enjoy listening to Stronger, is there anything in there that implies musical merit on the part of Kanye? The days when popular musicians wrote and sang/played their own songs is over I fear.
  6. I don't disagree with you in essence, because he is a horrible HC. But to say that he's a con, a sociopath, and a manipulator...don't you think that's a little overboard? I mean, I don't think he hypnotized RW into giving him the new contract. RW was just a dumbass. And generally, the term sociopath implies severe mental conditions and usually criminal activity. I wasn't rolling my eyes because I'm a Jauron supporter, but I think your level of unmitigated hatred for the man is extreme.
  7. Sorry about the profanity. In my opinion the opportunities have been there. Our DE's have consistently had one man to beat (a luxury Schobel hasn't had the past couple years), and they just can't beat them. Denney and Kelsay can never beat an OT and they can only rarely beat a TE. That's not Stroud's fault. Meanwhile, he's dealing with both the center and right guard and still mananges to be a beast in run stuffing. I think he's been great.
  8. Just curious, are you trying to subtley imply that Deano is a racist?
  9. Are you f*cking kidding me? Let me guess, you're one of those people that defines "impact" as "getting sacks" for defensive linemen. He forces double teams on almost every single play and completely opens opportunities up for Kelsay, Denney, and Williams. It's not his fault that they don't capitalize. Give me a break, Stroud has been awesome.
  10. It's really sad to me. Music is nothing but image these days. With the technology that's out there, they can turn a no talent hack into a superstar with a soundboard, so why worry about finding real musicians? I'm sick and tired of seeing these "singers" who don't know how to sing and these "bands" that don't even play instruments.
  11. Yeah, he was pretty close to the net and I don't think Weekes even considered an over-the-shoulder shot to be a possibility, but Vanek just hit a line drive into the top shelf..... WHERE MOMMA HIDES THE COOKIES
  12. I got a Mike Williams jersey for my 13th birthday, which was about 3 weeks after the 02 draft. I didn't purchase it obviously, but I can't think of a worse jersey to have owned.
  13. I could personally never miss a snap, but I've talked to a bunch of fans who are just beyond the breaking point.
  14. There's also a little something called photoshop. Can't glean much about a woman's true looks from a photospread unfortunately. Only way to tell if they're real or fake is to give 'em a nice squeeze.
  15. So KC and SD are the very bottom of the league, and Cleveland and SF are world beaters in your opinion? Wake up, we haven't faced a truly good opponent all year. Not one.
  16. Hmmm Jonah Hill has a somewhat similar rant in Superbad. Is that it?
  17. For some reason, I just sense more camaraderie in general on hockey teams. I can't place my finger on it, but they just seem to like each other more.
  18. Glad somebody got it haha. And I think the choice of Jackman is mostly due to his recent spike in popularity from being People's sexiest man of the year. I do think of him as an entertainer however, as he is more prolific on Broadway than Hollywood, and he is a very good singer. You should catch his rendition of Oklahoma.
  19. That's a nice story. I think you'd be surprised though. If you dug hard enough, you'd find heartwarming stuff like that in football, baseball, basketball, etc, as well. The media just focuses on the thugs so much that you wouldn't know it.
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