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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Yeah, because popular means good. I'm not saying Rogan is a particularly funny comedian, but Mencia is a joke-stealing piece of sh*t. I realize jokes have been ripped off before, but basically the entire comedian community has risen against Mencia. You don't see that too often. Musicians get sued for stealing guitar riffs, why shouldn't Mencia face some kind of justice for stealing jokes?
  2. Mencia just flat out blows. Stop Carlos Mencia! http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1892552
  3. I can see the future in my crystal ball. The Bills start Hamdan this week. He lights up the scoreboard against the NFL's worst defense. He has an average day against New England. A QB controversy is born. That said, I can't stand the thought of JP getting another start.
  4. This actually isn't uncommon. Athletes who stop competing usually maintain their high calorie diets out of habit, and this is the result. Anybody who's seen Tony Gwynn lately knows what I'm talking about.
  5. StupidNation living up to the billing of his handle yet again. It was Spears, not Ware. I know other people corrected SN before me, but I just wanted to drive the point home.
  6. I hereby unilaterally elect bobonators to be GM and VP of football operations. I think landing Warner would be incredibly difficult, but if there is a way I'm all for it. I also like the idea of actually drafting a FB. I'm tired of having a rarely used FB who seems like some guy we just picked up off the street. If there's a Tony Richardson or Lorenzo Neal type of guy out there, I'm all for landing him.
  7. Ok I just want to try to put this issue to bed. The team does not NEED an angry coach, it just needs a good coach (though I do prefer the fiery variety myself). The reason that everybody is demanding a gruden/cowher type is because that sort of coach is the polar opposite of Jauron, and many of us have fallen into the logic trap of assuming that anything that possesses an opposite quality of a bad entity must be a good entity. (In other words, if you had an abusive mother who made bad apple pie, you might be inclined to associate good apple pie with good mothering, even though the two are markedly unrelated.) There are many coaches with even demeanors that have had great success in recent past. Lovie Smith, Tony Dungy, and Mike Smith, and John Harbaugh immediately come to mind. On the flip side of the coin, Rod Marinelli, Norv Turner, and Jack Del Rio (three rather animated HCs) have coached teams that horribly underperformed this year. Bottomline? There are pros and cons to each type of demeanor. A fiery coach can easily motivate the troops in times of desperation, but more than likely will rub many players the wrong way. The vice versa scenario is true for the even-headed coach. So the solution to Buffalo's problem is to hire a good, intelligent head coach even if he has the personality of a bristle pad.
  8. While the blanket statement "the defense is better than the offense" may be correct, you have to look at specifici facets of the game when it comes to the draft. By far, our weakest phase is pass rushing, so we should draft a DE. To me, it's as simple as that.
  9. I don't know why people overreact to the Pro Bowl selections every year, when everybody admits it's a crock of sh*t. Just don't pay attention to it. I know I don't.
  10. How? I think he makes a good point. Lynch and Turner have had relatively the same amount of success running with the ball, and yet the Falcons trust Turner more to carry the offense than we do Lynch, and thus their team has fared better. I wouldn't really say he was manipulating statistics there.
  11. Uhhhh, sure...let's go with that. They were part of the awkward 80's to 90's transition that I think most people like to forget. This whole list is just filled with utter crap.
  12. Nobody would be criticizing that playcall. One of Jauron's responsibilities is to play the percentages. Lynch has 2 fumbles lost in his career, whereas Losman has 9 turnovers in the short time he's played this season alone. When a turnover is quite literally the only thing that CANNOT happen, do you give the ball to one of the most turnover-prone QBs in the league, or one of the most sure-handed running backs in the league?
  13. I agree with the majority of your post, but I have to take exception here. As far as I know, Marshawn was only credited with 1 drop yesterday. On that drop, he would have been gang tackled after maybe a 2 yard gain (There were 4 defenders and 0 blockers in the vicinity of the ball). Clearly, he hasn't shown the best hands this year, but I wouldn't qualify him as part of our "missed opportunities" yesterday. His impact on the game was so positive that bringing up a chintzy dropped pass that would've gone for minimal yardage seems to cheapen it.
  14. I'm gonna get me a nice side order of cheese lovers napkins.
  15. It could be worse http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1823322
  16. My brother relocated from Buffalo to Jacksonville for a while. My family travelled down there to meet his new fiance, and we were greeted with some of the worst pizza I've ever had. I do not exaggerate when I say I would have rather had Papa John's. If I ever start to take Buffalo pizza for granted, I think back to that time. Unfortunatley, I'm in Ithaca now where the pizza isn't so great either. I do like the deep dish in Chicago too, but nothing tastes like home more than nice Sicilian style Buffalo pizza.
  17. I'm with you. Frankly, I don't understand the sheer level of venom that many posters on this board have for the sports media. I don't always agree with Schopp and the Bulldog, but what causes people to absolutely hate them, I'll never know. There's always the option of turning to a different station.
  18. Of course that's true. But you use the murder rate among young black men as an example. Why should he be talking about that? He's a sports personality, not an inner city beat journalist. And how is his statement racist? He pointed out that the Auburn bball program hired a less qualified white coach and passed up opportunities on other better qualified coaches, seemingly because they're black. Also, they turned down Gill who has to be one of the hottest coaches on the market right now. I'm not saying that racism is 100% involved here, but you have to admit it's a pretty sketchy situation.
  19. You really think she's good looking? I wouldn't touch that with a ten and a half foot pole.
  20. Exactly! The only thing that truly could have killed us in that scenario was a turnover. Even two consecutive runs of negative 5 yards and a punt would have put our defense in a position to win it for us. But a turnover was what must have been avoided. Marshawn has lost 2 fumbles in his career, and JP has 8 fumbles and 5 interceptions this year. Which one would you put the ball in the hands of??? As a coach, your primary responsibility during a game is to play the percentages whenever you make a decision IMO, something which Jauron repeatedly fails to do.
  21. Well if the program is truly racist, I imagine Gill wouldn't have wanted to coach there. When you've got a racist AD and racist boosters, he would probably be fired at the first sign of trouble. Nobody ever accused the state of Alabama of being progressive.
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