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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Don't forget Leodis. Pretty solid day at corner after the first quarter, and wouldve had another TD without the ticky tack holding call on Corto.
  2. I've wondered about this myself. After all, I doubt there's something different about a black man's physique that makes him more suited for running back than a white person. Personally, I think you can take it back to the high school level. Take two players, one white and one black, with the exact same skill sets. The black player is turned into a running back. The white player is turned into a safety, or told to pack on a few pounds and become a fullback or tight end. I don't know where this comes from, but it's the best explanation I can come up with. It seems as if the only way a white player can become a starting RB is to hang back at FB and wait for guys to get injured. Sam McGuffie, a freshman RB from Michigan, might be the next legitimate white speed rusher.
  3. The NFL wouldn't have to say anything. Refs make mistakes. His came at a more crucial time and was more obvious than most mistakes. If, by chance, his mistake makes a difference in the playoff scenarios, then that's an unfortunate coincidence, nothing more.
  4. Why is it that white players are only compared to white players and black players are only compared to black players?
  5. He's definitely got the physical skill set to play in the NFL. Of course, cynics would point out the relatively low level of competition he faced in the MAC, but Joe Flacco isn't faring nearly as poorly as many thought, so who knows?
  6. I misread your post...when you said "McNally's last season" I read "last season"
  7. Uh, pretty sure O'Hara and Snee were starting for the Giants last year.
  8. The sad thing is, that's true of almost every single "journalist" working for ESPN. It's all about speculation and sensationalism. Just yesterday, they reported on the front page of espn.com that Rafael Furcal had signed for 4 years and 40 millions dollars with the Braves. Oops, they were wrong. He signed for 3 years and 30 million with the Dodgers. But it doesn't matter if they're wrong, because they pretty much represent a monopoly in the sports journalism world.
  9. I love how people can actually turn a high completion percentage into a negative. This board is getting ridiculous.
  10. In either case, the guy did the right thing here. If you've got peoples' lives in your hands and you don't feel confident, it's best to not go for it. If anything, it's the airline's fault for not reading the weather report and sending the guy up in the first place.
  11. That's because Trent didn't completely fall on his face like Beck. You're honestly going to compare the two?
  12. I realize we should've gone with Haloti Ngata, but you're really comparing Whitner with Williams in terms of making the wrong pick? He hasn't exactly been a highlight reel machine, but that's just unfair.
  13. Cleveland the Jets, for sure. Just shameful, embarassing playcalling at the end of those games. Against San Fran and Miami, none of our players really showed up, and to me that falls on the HC as well...though its tough to call him "directly" responsible for those losses. My guess is that we are 9-5 with an average head coach.
  14. Davinci Code blew as a movie. It's the only piece that I disliked Tom Hanks in.
  15. So because they're losing they have to hate Jauron? The text didn't say "you're doing a great job as a coach", it said that he respects him.
  16. Right on man, I'm with you. Well written post. Frankly I was surprised that you were met with any indignation at all. I can't stand this idea that optimistic fans are nothing but naive pollyannas. I'm only 19 years old and I don't want the opportunity to be a lifelong Bills fan stolen from me by those who want to move the team.
  17. I love how most Africans probably think the Bills and Vikings are the two greatest franchises in the history of the NFL. And yes, I realize most Africans don't know what the NFL is, but I choose to ignore this fact for the sake of the comedic value of the situation.
  18. What I find hard to believe is that Belichick's rating is only at 72. Don't get me wrong, I hate him as much as the next guy around here...but as a NE* fan, how much more could you want out of this guy. 4 superbowl appearances in the decade, and he will probably make the playoffs with a QB who hasn't started since high school, and he has haters? Wow.
  19. After the Buster Douglas fight, Mike had one of my favorite quotes of all time. A reporter asked him if he had prepared himself with a plan of attack. Mike said "Everyone has a plan 'til they get punched in the mouth". I'm sure he didn't mean it metaphorically, but it's such a true statement.
  20. I don't trust pre-season stats as far as I can throw them. And I should let you know I can't throw stats very far at all.
  21. Can't somebody be high character and intimidating? John Lynch is the first name to come to mind.
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