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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. These Jets are like the 2011 Bills. Hot start, likable team, goes down in flames when the real competition shows up.
  2. It was truly bizarre. They’re in desperation mode at 3-4 yesterday and they didn’t even try to let their HoF QB win them the game.
  3. Rodgers completing a TD drive happened exactly once outside garbage time.
  4. I think Leslie Frazier knows how to put 8 guys in the box. Packers were slowly drinking poison with their offensive play calling and he was letting them.
  5. Ok. Check my post history, I’m like 99% positive on the team.
  6. I am not with the doomers who lose their minds whenever we give up a first down but…that was not a great game. We made enough mistakes that a team with better weapons would probably have beaten us or at least made it come down to the last second.
  7. I didn’t say it wouldn’t hurt their chances. Being out of contention means pack it in, season’s done.
  8. If you have an MVP QB you don’t fall out of contention by losing a safety, even an all pro.
  9. There’s no reason to expect Cook to touch the ball more than 5-7 times a game this season. It’s a passing team at heart and Motor is in the inner inner circle of guys Josh trusts as a runner and more importantly as a pass blocker.
  10. Man this board really sucks after a *checks score* double digit win.
  11. Interesting coaching spot for McDermott. You preach getting the win and the team got that done. But you also need to communicate that that lack of focus will kill you in the postseason.
  12. I’ve never seen this before. They’re practically forfeiting. I could swear in that Lafleur interview he was on the cusp of saying the team was dispirited and couldn’t come back.
  13. Y’all are complaining. What the Packers are doing is a massive win for us.
  14. The funny thing is that they actually did build a much better roster like they're saying here. It's just Lawrence holding them back. 25 games into his NFL career and he has more INTs than TDs.
  15. Jags gonna Jag. There’s such inertia to changing your team’s station in this league. We were in it for so long.
  16. Not a chance. You just don't invite a distracting media circus over a punter for any reason.
  17. I think you're on the right track already. If you rewind some of Josh's best throws you'll notice he's actually in an armchair.
  18. If we're skipping over the reprehensible guys...Kirk Cousins just rubs me the wrong way. There's something about a guy who trademarks "You like that" where I just know we wouldn't get along.
  19. Speaking as someone whose supermodel mother divorced my 7 time Superbowl winning quarterback father, leaving me with nothing but a broken family and more money than I could ever spend, I can't help but feel for the kids.
  20. Being another drought kid, that slide is one of my least favorite Bills memories. There were things that Orton did as a passer that made us somewhat more competitive than with other QBs of that era but that one moment makes him a pariah to me.
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