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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. The person I assume youre referring to has only been president for one day...so how exactly can anything remind you of his policies which dont exist yet?
  2. The war got us out of the depression, not Roosevelt. Up until Pearl Harbor, all Roosevelt did was put multiple small bandages on the economy with all of his programs.
  3. I'd say there are equal amounts of immature people in both the republican and democratic parties. You know why? Because there are a sh*t ton of immature people in this country. One example is a newly appointed public figure who makes a hand gesture that a kindergartener might make. Another example is somebody who labels everybody aligned with this public figure's political leanings a "tard".
  4. You use a childish pejorative to insult us, while attempting to lampoon Rohm's childish act. Do you honestly not see the irony here?
  5. Wow...see I thought that we, as a society, had moved past that whole Hammurabi eye for an eye thing...but I guess not.
  6. haha, im loving all the variations on this one...those australian midgets rocked out, but damn are they tough to understand
  7. In the ACDC song Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap), I always thought the line went "Dirty Deeds with the Dunder Chief"
  8. Yeah, poor Conway...he never stood a chance. He and Kevin Curtis can commiserate over it. Conway looked really upset after the non-call.
  9. nah, she looks like the type to have multiple STDs
  10. Ok it's a bad picture of the kid that makes him look a little feminine. But you could show a little respect.
  11. Jim Leonhard is very slow for a DB and a pretty bad tackler. He was downright awful in Buffalo is currently excelling under good coaching and the benefit of playing next to one of the 5 best safeties to ever step on the gridiron. Do you really not remember how bad he was?
  12. Not to mention two NBA teams, two MLB teams, and an NHL team. In a city where nobody seems to actually care about sports, the market is already saturated. Any NFL franchise would probably fail, barring a superbowl win in the first season.
  13. I thought on the first hit, he got a helmet to the lower back/kidney region. Those hurt like hell, but I could be wrong about the hit.
  14. The adrenaline of playing in the superbowl might make him forget the pain for 3 and a half hours, but yeah he'll probably be taking ice baths for the next month. But then again who wouldn't after an entire season of being protected by Mike Gandy?
  15. Uh, those didn't happen in the same game...But Warner did get knocked around quite a bit by Trent Cole, along with a couple of brutal late hits that got flagged.
  16. AJ almost got Ken Dorsey two heismans...that aint easy.
  17. That was my point. Evans isn't less effective than Fitzgerald because he's shorter...he's just not on the same tier as a WR.
  18. Yeah, well Atlanta, Carolina and Philly were gonna manhandle the Cards too right?
  19. Steve Smith dominates games from time to time, and he's smaller than Evans.
  20. You're right, I did make quite the ignorant statement. I said he killed one person, when he actually killed two people. Here's how it went down...all the witnesses who eventually labelled Lewis as the "peacemaker" initially told investigators that Lewis had murdered the two guys. But on the day of the trial, almost all of the witnesses suddenly changed their minds about what had happened. Ya think maybe they were threatened into giving that falsified testimony? Face it...Lewis murdered those guys (or at the very least helped) but he walked because of his stature and connections to whomever got to those witnesses. I bet you think OJ didn't do it either. (See how annoying it is when people put words in your mouth?)
  21. It makes you sick that hes a defensive captain who works really hard and is a beloved locker room leader? Those are his positive qualities. It should make you sick how horribly he plays.
  22. I don't see the connection. Do you mean because of the Jills?
  23. Yeah, Mauluga certainly wasnt behaving like a player of his stature ought to, but I'm not about to go railing on this as some reprehensible act. It's about 5 steps below the articles that Lori linked to...nobody got hurt, and I'm sure Andrews has to deal with much worse than this on a daily basis. It was probably the biggest game of his life, his adrenaline is still raging, and he did something dumb. I won't judge him for it.
  24. Statham is probably best known for being Handsome Rob, the driver, in the remake of The Italian Job. He stars in your basic explosion action movie fare. And youre correct about Dane Cook, he is possibly the least funny comedian to ever hit it big. For some reason, it seems like every young person except for me is completely obsessed with him. I don't get it, the guy doesnt make jokes.
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