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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I take it this is the same Nick Bakay that used to do the gambling segment on Sportscenter every couple of weeks or so?
  2. Is there something wrong with loving gays (in the sense that all humans should love all other humans)? And why is it that you lump them in with terrorists?
  3. I just find O'Reilly's hypocrisy to be so funny. He is clearly a man of sketchy moral character, and yet he sees himself as something of a moral compass for society. The funniest part is that he legitimately doesn't seem to see the irony.
  4. I watched the show a couple times and the plot interested me, but the characters did not. The leading lady is about as dull as they come, and the mad scientist guy is just way too much of a cliche for me. The whole thing bored me to death.
  5. As a member of the "new" generation of Bills fans (those who aren't old enough to remember the Superbowls), I have to say Bill Belichick. He is football evil incarnate for me and my friends.
  6. If his post, agreeing with me, makes him a moron, then you're calling my post moronic by association. I'd appreciate an explanation.
  7. You're just another fool who thinks that American politics is some sort of game, with some sort of winner. You think that you play for the conservatives and that those who play for the liberals are your enemies. Whatever threats of violence you've received were in some way provoked by you, if only passive-aggressively. Can't we all just work toward the same goal? By the way, all of the above goes for liberals too. It's not about proving yourself right and somebody else wrong. It isn't about bickering. When somebody jovially posts on a political message board that they are "getting under the libs skin", then that just goes to show that person is not interested in bettering the country, just interested in winning whatever imaginary battle they've created between two opposing viewpoints.
  8. The article made it sound like he was doing this to a single mother and her kid. The Fausto guy deserves whatever punishment they hand down to him.
  9. My disdain for the military? I don't ever remember posting anything like that. My grandfather served in the navy in WWII, and I intend to enlist after I graduate. Maybe I made some other sarcastic comments (or just saying things to get peoples' goat), but disdain for the military doesn't describe me at all.
  10. I was joking, you dolt. I guess dry sarcasm is lost on you.
  11. What a crazy story. What could have possibly been going through the Covenant coach's head? "Yeah, we're really gonna stick it to these learning disabled girls. Don't let up. Keep going for steals and knocking down treys, ladies. This is our day." I'd fire him, personally.
  12. Ok then, regale us with all the stories of the horrible racism you've faced.
  13. Gadzooks, you're right! New Yorkers aren't tough at all! How could they possibly be tough, residing in the same city as Woody Allen, Barbara Streisand, Rosie O' Donnell, Ethel Merman, and the Three Stooges????? Sir, your eloquence is matched only by your razor sharp wit. Simply a brilliant debater.
  14. Oh yea? How about waterboarding? I know my frat didn't do that to me when I pledged. And yes, sensory/sleep deprivation DOES qualify.
  15. Well, you know what they say - You haven't truly "made it" until they chia you.
  16. In 2006, the supreme court ruled (Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld) that the detainees at Gitmo were protected by Common Article 3 of the G.C. That includes torture.
  17. Yeah, all liberals want them freed. That's what we said. Apparently, "not tortured" is synonymous with "set free"...and that little dialogue of yours is soooo clever and apropos to the conversation.
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