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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Then why did we draft McKelvin? The FO clearly had designs on losing either Greer or McGee. If we can sign Greer, and get something good out of a trade for McGee, isn't that the optimal solution?
  2. Jesus H. Christ, if he says he went to West Point, he went to West Point. Big man, picking on the US military officer on a message board. Just lay off.
  3. Fair enough. My ancestors got here in the mid-1600's, and founded a town called Middletown, Connecticut. According to a book chronicling our history, my family owned anywhere between 25 and 50 slaves until the practice was outlawed (relatively early up north). I can only assume that somewhere there is a child still suffering from this, and that makes me feel guilty whether it should or not. Your father's story is an inspiring one, and one that is relatively common among the hearty people of Buffalo. And yes, I suppose it shoots down my theory to a certain extent. The fact remains that no single ethnic group was at a greater disadvantage than the freedmen. I can't say for sure why they haven't recovered as a group.
  4. Some nice Sahlen's hot dogs and anywhere from 2-10 Labatt's, depending on how I fare at beer pong.
  5. Haha, well I guess I win on a technicality, but I wasn't expecting a good answer. Sorry if I offended.
  6. Harvard's acceptance rate is currently 9.1% Would you mind informing us which school you went to with an acceptance rate of .45%? As far as I know, such a school does not exist.
  7. That doesn't mean the effects aren't still felt. Unfortunately, our ancestors did a horrible job assisting the assimilation of blacks into their culture. Is it fair that we should be called upon to introduce some equity today? Maybe not, but I say it's the right thing.
  8. Ok that's two examples. This isn't math...you can't prove something is wrong by proving the opposite with one example.
  9. I like to think of myself as relatively aware of these things. My parents are at polar opposites of the political spectrum, so I wasn't really raised to be a herd-following sheep (in either direction) like a lot of my classmates. My Mom made sure that I knew MSNBC was full of liars with an agenda, and my Dad made sure I knew Fox News was full of liars with an agenda. The one time I did have a professor that blatantly pushed an agenda (American Lit prof that was obsessed with painting white people as the devil for the treatment of Native Americans), I lost a lot of respect for him.
  10. My professors haven't affected me in any way politically, and they aren't spreading propaganda. They stick to the topics which pertain to their classes. We don't discuss politics. You shouldn't hold a grudge against an entire profession just because one of them screwed you over.
  11. No, it's not your fault. But it's not their fault either. From a historical perspective, American blacks are largely impoverished urban dwellers because of the lousy situation they were in post-slavery...the viscious cycle of poverty leaves them there today. Due to that, yes, I believe the scales ought to be tipped a little in their favor. By the way, why do the majority of conservatives on this board seem to despise college students, and young people in general?
  12. Pro Player Stadium is NOT a baseball stadium. It is a football stadium that people were stupid enough to house a baseball team in. It is not even remotely suited for baseball and that (combined with zero local interest) has shown in attendance figures.
  13. Doesn't matter, they still affect resumes. Besides, those were just two examples. How about overcrowded classrooms, lack of supplies and materials, outdated textbooks, etc, etc.
  14. It's meant to be a tool to help even the playing field in terms of college admissions for black students, the great majority of whom don't have the advantages of extra curricular activities and SAT prep courses. A black student often has a less impressive college resume than a white student of equal intelligence because he had fewer advantages in his school system. Affirmative action does its best to make things a little more fair. I'm not saying it's a perfect system, but to call it discrimination toward white kids is just plain wrong.
  15. Geeze. If I'm the trucker, I let her into the truck with the caveat that she DOESN'T sleep with me.
  16. Yes, I do think you misunderstand what affirmative action is.
  17. For me, his most memorable piece of work was his first hand account of Ted Williams' last at bat. I'm a Yankees fan, and it almost brought tears to my eyes.
  18. I think he was referring to the way you mis-spelled "you're". Could be wrong though.
  19. Wasn't that song by Gordon Lightfoot? Maybe Cat did a cover I'm not aware of.
  20. Is that you Senator McCarthy? I KNEW he was still hiding around somewhere!
  21. Personally, I just can't stand the whole shaking camera thing. I don't know if thats petty of me, but I just don't like it. Same goes for Cloverfield, just hated it. Both Blair and Cloverfield got very good reviews, though. Whaddayagonnado?
  22. I know this is a loaded question and that it's nearly impossible to pick just one, among all the genres......but what is your #1 favorite song of all time? After some thinking, here's mine... Seven Nation Army, by The White Stripes
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