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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Haha, in fairness he DID say it was a NSFW pic of santonio holmes.
  2. Well I suppose we shall see. For the good of the team, let's hope you're wrong.
  3. Sorry, but that just isn't how our legal system works. There is not one case in modern days of somebody being sent to death for attempted murder.
  4. They all barely have a better +/-. Also, Lydman plays the most minutes on average, which means Lindy trusts him more than the other D-men. And you'll have to excuse me for trusting Lindy's opinion over yours. By the way, I know he's had problems with turnovers, but I can't remember any blatant examples from this season.
  5. I've recently discovered that my hottest teachers were in kindergarten, first grade, and third grade, before I was able to appreciate the hotness. From that point out, it's been nothing but uglies. Why do all the hot teachers teach little kids?
  6. Have you been watching this season? Lydman has been the defense's rock this year. We need to extend him.
  7. Despite the whole "middle aged men are horny perverts who want to have sex with underage girls" stereotype, doesn't it seem like these stories always involve a female teacher with a young male student?
  8. You would really push for capital punishment on an attempted murder? In the words of Sideshow Bob, they don't give away a Noble Prize for attempted chemistry. I'm morally against capital punishment in the first place, because I don't believe in the whole archaic "eye for an eye thing", but you would actually send a 14 year old who committed attempted murder to his death? Dude...
  9. Everybody seems to hate the cover 2 but nobody ever explains why they hate it.
  10. Tim Tebow: Future backup tight end. Though I do respect his decision to stay in school one more year to improve himself. He probably heard that scouts were none too impressed with his pass abilities.
  11. Tampa, Indy, Chicago have been the most successful with it...Why do you say it's the worst type to run? Personally, I think it would work just fine with a legitimate pass rush.
  12. Wow thats is great news, but yeah it will be years upon years upon years of physical therapy before he is ever completely back to normal, IF he is ever completely back to normal.
  13. Ok, I'll take your word for it. By the way, I'm not trying to be a d*ck in this thread, if that's what I'm coming off as. I just like to debate. And I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. See, I'm sort of a statistics freak and I think that numbers can be used to prove just about anything in sports (not that the boxscore ever tells the WHOLE story), and when I look at VY's stats, I just don't see a good quarterback. But again, I hope to be proven wrong because he's certainly got the physicality for it.
  14. He wasn't injured during much of his second season was he? He started 15 games...
  15. He's certainly capable of improving, but the fact that his rookie campaign was actually better than his second season isn't a positive sign, on top of the fact that he had to spend this past season rehabbing from an injury. You never know how missing a season will affect a player. When you add to the equation his emotional issues, and the fact that he isn't the brightest light on the Xmas tree (6 on the wonderlic on his first try), significant improvement seems doubtful. Though I'd like to see him prove me wrong, he seems like a nice guy.
  16. You know that the word majority isn't synonymous with the word "all" right?
  17. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I refuse to apologize for not wanting a QB with a 68.8 QB rating who's only gotten worse since his rookie year.
  18. Yeah, I did not understand why he said that, but everybody makes mistakes I guess. Sometimes it's just best to hold your tongue and not even grant an interview to the media if you're feeling overly frustrated.
  19. Well that's how the majority of interceptions occur, and we rarely pressure the QB.
  20. But that's just the thing. Look at his stats, and there is absolutely nothing, nothing at all that you would define as success. He has not one redeeming quality to this point. http://www.nfl.com/players/vinceyoung/profile?id=YOU617196 Those are his career stats, there is nothing impressive besides maybe his rushing yards, but that is negated by the fact that he's fumbled the ball 24 times. http://www.nfl.com/players/vinceyoung/game...amp;season=2007 That's his game log for 2007, and the game log for his rookie season looks largely the same. He has 1 or 2 quality games in there, and nothing really points to any "flashes of greatness". His numbers are comparable to some of the worst QBs in the decade, and (just for good measure) his career QB rating is 8 points below Losman's. He is simply not a good QB, and he won't be until he gets some arm accuracy.
  21. Yeah, missing one tackle and getting beaten by one of the 5 best WRs in the history of the NFL means he sucks. See my post above about him "not being able to make big plays".
  22. He hasn't been anywhere close to unstoppable since college. That's an insult to Cunningham. Cunningham was a great passer and Vince Young is not. The most important quality a QB can have is being an accurate passer, that's the most important physical tool...miles ahead of speed and arm strength, which are just complimentary.
  23. Ok bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out. And have fun rooting for the Panthers, they'll be in very good shape if they can draft and develop a new QB. I'm sure it will be such an enriching and fulfilling experience if they win the Superbowl. By the way, you don't get to say that a team is dead to you and then come crawling back later, just for your information. If the Bills make the playoffs in a few years (maybe even next year), I think you've surrendered your right to root for them.
  24. That's easy to say, but imagine if he had been playing in Buffalo for the last 3 season with similar statistical results. We would have run him out of town soooo long ago.
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