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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This thread is crazy. All your thetan levels must be off the charts right now!
  2. Damn, you should write menus. I'm tempted to hop in my car and drive back to Buffalo.
  3. Don't knock the man. There's nothing wrong with drinking some coke. But yes, Duff's is better than Anchorbar. I think of Anchorbar as more of a tourist attraction that has pretty good wings.
  4. You must be quite the football expert to feel qualified to make a statement like that. So educated me, oh expert, how is it that you know Trent Edwards is incapable of EVER making the playoffs as the Bills' starting quarterback. Just a hunch?
  5. I don't know if I've read one post by you that doesn't accuse somebody else of being ignorant about something.
  6. Well he's a tight end and we were looking for a wide receiver. I don't really understand how you could consider that "dropping the ball".
  7. Well it's certainly good to know that we have a poster who is inside the head of RW and knows exaclty what motivates him to do things.
  8. He wasn't inducted for what he did for the Bills, he was inducted for what he did for the NFL (and most importantly for small market franchises). Do you really think he was put in the HOF as an honor for his success in Buffalo? Of course not. He's in the HOF because he was a pioneer of the AFL, the merger would probably not have happened without him, and he is an important and well respected (outside of Buffalo apparently) figure in the league. It's the Pro Football Hall of Fame, not the Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame. You can't look at the scenario through the eyes of a fan. By the way, 95% of other owners would have moved the team by now, so you should be a little bit more grateful. Success or no success, Ralph Wilson IS the Buffalo Bills. I would shake his hand and congratulate him if I could.
  9. Did anybody NOT do steroids. The next generation is going to be witness to some very small HoF classes.
  10. That Kentucky high school football coach who killed his player by not allowing him water.
  11. Yeah, one time I told cops "I'm Jay Sage of twobillsdrive.com and I am worth hundreds!".
  12. I'll say this about Keystone...you can pound away 10 of those babies and stay just buzzed, which makes it the perfect beer pong variety. Gotta say, my favorite "cheap" beer is Labatt. I like to call it Canada's greatest invention. If you're looking for a nice lager, I love Magic Hat.
  13. I've heard rumors of Tony Gonzales finding a home in Philly. It would make perfect sense, as LJ smith is headed out the door and TG wanted to play for a contender. Also, the west coast offense ideally makes good use out of a pass-catching tight end, so it seems like a perfect fit.
  14. Who's thinking more about the kid than the officer? I've seen nothing but sympathy for the officer and disgust for the kid in this thread.
  15. I'm sorry for your loss, a man shouldn't die when he's 44. Just judging by his picture, he looks like he was just an all around good guy. My condolences.
  16. WOW, now there's a kid that is with the program and understands what's going on. Real mature for his age, and he's addressing a serious issue here.
  17. Ok here's the analogy I like to use. Let's say their is a goaltender in hockey (I'm using a goalie, because they get creditied with wins and losses too). He puts up horrible stats...let's say 3.25 GAA and .890 save percentage. Despite this, his team scores a sh*t ton of goals and he finishes the season with 35-40 wins. Would you say "He didn't put up impressive numbers, but what can you say? He just wins games."? Of course not, you'd say that his team wins games despite him. Why is it different with a quarterback? Why does a quarterback always receive dap when his team wins, despite his shotty play?
  18. Haha, well I'm technically supposed to be paying attention to my professor.
  19. Ok I correct peoples' spelling and grammar enough to deserve that, and in my defense it didn't really feel like you were being sarcastic. I googled "attempted murder death penalty" and got no conclusive examples. Of course, I didn't open all the links because I have better things to do.
  20. No you were asking if there was anyway we could make the kid's family suffer.
  21. Why, in your opinion, would more suffering be a good thing in this situation?
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