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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. They resigned Luke McCown. Or maybe Josh McCown. One of the McCowns.
  2. I think the term "I wanted to see Vanek skate" implies "I wanted to see Vanek play", not actually anything about his skating abilities.
  3. Yeah, since it's an opinion piece, I don't file it under "journalism". But damn, it was a weird (and pointless) opinion piece. Why does she insist on sexualizing the first family like that?
  4. Actually, he was minding his own business when the cup got thrown at him.
  5. Yeah buddy, I'm all for a moratorium. I'm two and half hours away from Buffalo, but food-wise I might as well be a million miles away. Everything sucks here in Ithaca.
  6. Well, I was born in 1989. None of my friends has ever known the answer to it, but I guess for people who were alive in 81 it's common knowledge?
  7. Ding ding ding. Really takes the wind out of my sails when the first person gets it right.
  8. Trivia question (don't cheat and look it up): Which 80s hit was the first video ever played on MTV?
  9. As of the last cencus in 2000, Buffalo dropped from the 45th largest metropolis to the 54th. We'll be in the 60s by 2010, and our population will be less than it was in 1900.
  10. Four times, Deano? You've gotta start hanging out with some more savory people.
  11. Tubthumping, by Chumbawumba. They probably aren't considered a one hit wonder in the UK, but they are here in the states.
  12. If we get Fitzpatrick, we'd have a QB from Harvard, a QB from Stanford, a RB for Cal Berkeley, and a head coach from Yale. We'd at least be the most book smart team!
  13. Well here's a fair analogy to the situation. You have 1,000 dollars in cash. Instead of taking it inside your house and sticking it in a lockbox/under your mattress/etc. you duct tape it to the outside of your front door, for everybody in the neighborhood to see. You wake up the next morning and 50 dollars out of the 1,000 is gone. Is the person who took the 50 bucks in the wrong? Yes. But do you REALLY have the right to complain? No.
  14. It takes literally one minute to create a secure network. If somebody leaves themself with an unsecure connection, it means one of two things. 1) They're stupid. 2) They don't mind people using it.
  15. If they didn't want people hijacking their conneciton, they should have secured it.
  16. Yeah, Babe Ruth was an obese drunk and he hit 714 home runs. THAT is special.
  17. Ok, fair enough. My real gripe isn't them taking Whitner. I just want to know how the hell they ever landed on McCargo.
  18. Keep in mind, this is the same country where a burglar can sue a homeowner if he slips on the ice outside their door after robbing them. Honestly, this doesn't surprise me at all.
  19. Maybe it's a contrived apology, but at least he's better than the likes of Clemens, McGwire, and Bonds who still vehemently deny using even though everybody knows they did.
  20. Here's the part I don't get. Clearly, our plan was to get a safety and a defensive tackle. Most mock drafts at that point had Whitner in the 25-30 range. We ended up trading up for the 26th pick. So why didn't we draft Ngata (the front office apparently liked Mccargo, but they obviously knew Ngata was better, nonetheless) and then trade up to 26 with the Bears if Whitner was still available. If Whitner had been taken, we could have just waited until the second round and taken the next safety on the draft board. We could have very realistically gotten Ngata AND Whitner. Is my logic flawed here?
  21. I've always been partial to the flats, myself. They tend to have more quality meat on them, IMO. But a good 50/50 ratio is always the way to go. All flats would be boring.
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