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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I've always wondered why god needs so much money. Does he blow it all betting on the ponies or what?
  2. Yep, and he's a very good writer. Just a little stuck up, IMO.
  3. Yeah, I think my mother and girlfriend consider the local mall to be something of a temple too.
  4. +1 I'd like to be optimistic about Hardy, but he's going to spend the entire offseason rehabbing his ACL. Don't expect meteoric improvements from him this year. We should try Stevie out as our possession receiver.
  5. Rihanna turned "umbrella" into a 4-syllable word. I'll never forgive her. But seriously, every girl I know absolutely loves that song...while every guy I know despises it. Come to think of it (and not trying to be sexist) the girls I know just have a general bad taste in music...all rap and R & B. My guy friends are into rock for the most part. I wonder what the reasoning behind that is.
  6. Another catchy song though. Maybe there's something inspiring about statutory rape.
  7. Yeah, agreed. If you don't understand the complexities of what's going on on the field (and it's very hard to understand the game if you haven't seen it live), it's hard to watch. I'm also not a die hard fan of the game because I simply don't get the opportunity to watch that many good contests...but when anything involving the World Cup is on, I'm glued to the tv.
  8. Yeah, I saw his video blog posts. It's really cool what he's doing. I gotta think of a question to send to his inbox. After watching the vids, he seems like a genuinely nice guy.
  9. Yep, the song that killed disco. Good tune, even if it is about statutory rape.
  10. Yeah, I guess he hasn't been great. 75.6 rating...9 touchdowns and 10 interceptions. Not horrible numbers for a career backup.
  11. Ha! Egg in my face, I guess. In general though, he does take a "holier than thou art" approach to everything he writes, as if he's the ultimate source on football.
  12. Yep, that's TMQ for ya. Ready and willing to critique every sports journalist besides himself.
  13. Donovan has been playing some excellent football lately, expect a great game from him.
  14. The rationale that they used for Buffalo is that it snows alot (as if we're not used to it by now) and that a lot of people continue to move away.
  15. He's clearly a beast, but there are rumors that he has big attitude problems and, frankly, I'm just not sure his talent will translate to the NFL.
  16. The one in Reservoir Dogs is definitely Stealers Wheel...I'm not aware of any Bob Dylan version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMrm7ZQ0aMA
  17. The saddest part is that A-rod, Bonds, Clemens...none of them needed steroids one bit! They could have been considered some of the greatest in the history of the game without popping one single pill, or injecting themselves with anything. The only reason they took steroids is because they are narcissists who are never satisfied, and now they have to live with their mistakes. McGwire is a slightly different story because his home run swing was the only thing that he had going for him. He wasn't speedy, he didn't field very well, and he didn't hit for average. Bonds and A-rod....5 tool players, two of the greatest to ever take the field. Both of them are right up there with Willie Mays, but they just screwed it all up. As a baseball fan who can appreciate a great player, it is very very sad/
  18. I wish Selig and company had the cojones to do that, but it simply isn't feasible, especially considering that Mcgwire never TECHNICALLY tested positive for anything. Bonds is a different story, but he's done a pretty good job so far of legally pinning the blame on everybody else besides himself. If Selig actually wanted to wipe the records clean, there would be way way too much red tape. And when it comes to Arod, the information on him was obtained illegally. The results of the 2003 testing was never supposed to be revealed, so the players union would be all over MLB like a pack of wild dogs if they tried to make Arod face any sort of justice. Bottomline is, the best we can do is put a mental asterisk next to their names in the record books. The true justice is that none of these creeps will probably ever make the hall of fame.
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