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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. You think you're tough? You never would have made it in Sing Sing. When I was doing time, I met a guy who only slowed down to 25 MPH in a school zone and another dude who taped old baseball games and showed them to his friends without the express written consent of Major League Baseball. Honestly I would have been absolute toast in that hell-hole, but I had a reputation as a tough guy because I was in for eating loose grapes at the supermarket.
  2. Well the easiest situation would be a child that was a girl until the age of 12, and then turned into a boy when it was a teenager and into the college years. Then it turned into a woman again and had a couple of grandchildren for you, then turned back into a man at the age of 30 and watched football with you until you died. On second thought, that'd be pretty messed up. But still very convenient.
  3. I'm still a big Lynch fan. Frankly, a player's off-the-field actions don't concern me as long as they don't hurt anybody. That's why the hit and run upset me a lot more than this gun charge does.
  4. Wow, Freudian slip on my part maybe? I've got some thinking to do...
  5. I'm not very in touch with the racing world, so excuse me if I sound ignorant, but why is Gordon such a polarizing figure? Seems like a nice enough guy to me.
  6. Wow this is just disturbing. That kid does not look even remotely 13. So messed up.
  7. That was such a surreal event to watch. Compared to some of the more violent looking crashes, where the car catches fire and does a flipping 360 in the air, senior's crash looked like an innocent little bump into the wall. I just kept waiting for him to pop out of the window unharmed. I'm not much of a racing fan, but it was strange to say the least.
  8. Was Sean Taylor in a "crappy area" when he was shot? No, he was at his home. I'm just trying to play devil's advocate here. I don't think that most people need guns for protection, and Marshawn CERTAINLY should have licensed his weapon. However, high profile athletes do not have to wander into crappy areas to feel endangered.
  9. Agreed 100%. The example I like to use is the MPAA ratings on movies. A film that portrays the bloodiest and most horrible deaths (think the Saw franchise) gets a rating of R. A film that tastefully portrays a sex scene with a woman nude from the waste up also gets a Rating of R. So essentially, we as a society have deemed gruesome violence to be on the exact same level as seeing a woman's nipple. Only in America.
  10. Best holiday ever. I've only celebrated one, but I'm counting down the days.
  11. Hopefully survivors guilt doesn't strike those two too badly. Mariano Rivera missed a doomed flight to Panama in 2001 and he says that he still thinks about it every day of his life.
  12. Thanks a lot. My friend's mom is a really well-liked teacher at Lancaster Middle School, so the community is already really starting to rally around the family. My friends and I are going to put together a function to raise some money, probably a Chinese Auction of sorts. PM me if you live in/close to Lancaster and are interested in attending. I'm sure that Continental is going to be compensating the families to a great extent, but it still seems like something worth doing, if only to prove that they have the town's support.
  13. One of my best friend's dad was on the plane. He was one of the nicest guys I've ever had the privilege to know, and the family is in such bad pain right now. I heard that 50 people died, and for some reason I just let myself assume I didn't know any of the deceased. A few hours ago, I got a call from another friend and the news just devastated me. I can't believe this.
  14. Everybody seems to think that "high character" amounts to "p*ssy", and "low character" amounts to "motivational". Why is this?
  15. And these drug smugglers...aren't they trying to keep as low of a profile as possible when they enter into the country? Wouldn't they be the people least likely to harm his family? And again, if you look at my post above, I clearly state that I'd shoot if my family was threatened. If people were looting my property, trashing my backyard, roasting my cows...I'd certainly do SOMETHING, but I wouldn't pull the trigger. It seems the rancher in question here agrees with me. And I don't know if the second half of your post is implying that I'm not on the rancher's side, but that isn't the case. He's certainly in the right here, and any punishment that he faces will be a travesty.
  16. I think he should starting going by "Vincent Young". Vincent Young sounds about 20 Wonderlic points smarter than Vince Young.
  17. Dennis Quaid is one of my least favorite actors in Hollywood. He is just so emotionless in everything he does.
  18. It would take a lot more than stealing/destroying my property for me to actually make the conscious decision to end a man's life. It seems like a lot of people here disagree with me, but I couldn't make myself do it unless I felt my family was in danger, and even then I suspect I would have to deal with a boatload of guilt.
  19. hahaha, fair enough dude...hope the kid feels better
  20. Aren't you late for some Aryan Nation meeting?
  21. Well it isn't HIS fault. I don't think Al Gore gets to decide who wins the prize.
  22. Yeesh, glad to hear you probably won't be suffering long term effects from this, but it's gotta be scary knowing how close you were to brain damage. Best of luck, paisan. By the way, I know the handheld Yahtzee game you're talking about. I got 705 one time.
  23. Pretty fuggin severe karma! My mom works as an accountant at a place called The Benedict House, which houses impoverished patients in the late stages of AIDS, and I've interacted with some of the sick folks quite a bit. Obviously, Roberto has the money to afford better care, but AIDS is something that I would never wish upon my worst enemy. It is simply awful. I'm so horrified by what I've seen that I'd honestly rather be euthanized than go through it all if I were diagnosed. Seriously folks, get yourself tested, ask your girl if she's been tested, double up on the condom, whatever it takes.
  24. A ninja's penis huh? That's ok inky, it happens to the best of us. Damn ninjas...
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