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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I think most people are missing the point here... Since when does anybody give a flying flip about what's printed in the Post?
  2. A big old, fat old +1 from me. I completely turned my attention to the Sabres once the Superbowl ended. I honestly didn't even really think about the Bills until the Marshawn incident. I'm going to tune in for the draft, read draft analysis for a week, then tune back out. Once the pre-season starts, I'll be right back into Bills mode. No sense crying during the offseason, when there is an equally exciting Buffalo sport going on.
  3. See how many of the famous firsts you can name, without looking them up. http://www.sporcle.com/games/famousfirsts.php I got 25 out of 40
  4. You almost had me until you got to Lynch. Do you even watch the games? I almost guarantee you're the first person to ever refer to Lynch as a "yawner".
  5. No, Jesus actually went to Stanford. He wore gloves.
  6. Come on, the guy had 110 tackles in what was essentially his rookie season. Overrated? Perhaps. Absolute crap? No way. He was an average starting MLB for us, not a piece of crap. The term "bust" is thrown around too lightly here. It seems like a lot of people define "bust" as simply not being in the upper eschelon of starters at a given position.
  7. Nope, can't slam you for this. I tend to be the eternal optimist type, but the organization simply hasn't given me a reason to have faith in the team. I'm not one of those people that will rant about how we're destined to never be a winner (teams can turn it around pretty quick), but things are certainly not looking up at the moment.
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/highschool/rise/...tory?id=3914375 Now there's a coach (and a player) that understands the meaning of sportsmanship.
  9. Only because the OP introduced religion in the first place! He was clearly using the story as a vehicle to belittle the Muslim faith and stereotype its followers as barbarians. If the thread had been introduced as "Buffalo citizen beheads wife", nobody would have had a problem.
  10. Wait, am I reading this right? He stopped to help you, but he wanted you to pay $20 for his time? Whatever happened to people helping people because it was the right thing to do? I don't know who this guy was, but I know he wasn't Tony Romo.
  11. Very underrated movie...doesn't follow the mould of the traditional inspiration sports movie.
  12. For anybody interested, here is the transcript of my piece... http://wvbr.com/sportsshot Sorry for the self-promotion but I was trying to pay homage to the folks who died. Edit: Sorry, I linked to something from the onion at first...apologies to any confusion from people who clicked the link.
  13. I'll be speaking about the plane crash and the Sabres game that followed the next day on air around 6:03...here's the link for the radio station. Click the upper left corner for live stream. http://wvbr.com/
  14. Kenny Powers, I think, is supposed to be a mixture of Rod Beck and John Rocker. Just watched the premiere, thought it was great, though it worries me that the protagonist is a completely unlikeable character. We'll see how it goes.
  15. Field of Dreams gives it competition, especially with the whole father/son thing.
  16. No Bull Durham?!?!? A League of their Own is a great movie.
  17. Alfonso Soriano and Adam Dunn are in the majors, and quite successful. However, I suppose they are susceptible to sliders and slurves, not off speed stuff in general.
  18. "Ride in the back of a cruiser" means that he was arrested and driven away in a police car, not that he was in the back seat of a friends' car when the gun was found.
  19. It also doesn't help that many of the NHL's superstars speak broken English. Ovechkin has all the personality in the world, but you can't really understand anything that comes out of his mouth. Also, he's ugly as sh*t.
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