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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I feel ya, my friend, but don't waste your breath on these people. I've learned that those who do not use logic refuse to have logic thrown upon them. Nothing you say can change their mind.
  2. These people are f*cking with the wrong city. I can almost guarantee you one of them is going to get seriously hurt, possibly killed, and I really don't have much of a problem with that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UMP3AK5jwo That's how messed up they are...it's the one time in my life I found myself sympathizing with Sean Hannity.
  3. Poland, read this post aloud to yourself, pronouncing everything the way you spelled it, and then please return to third grade to learn how to write. Or, at the very least, invest in a thesaurus. You used the word punk six separate times.
  4. What do you mean "Finally someone said it."? Somebody posts this at least once every couple days, mistaking what people mean when they say "character".
  5. Good post, I've got a lot of respect for Mr. Cosby for being a prominent member of the black community and having the ability to hold a mirror up to his own people and say that he doesn't like what he sees.
  6. Dude, that stuff is not exclusive to foreigners. There are PLENTY of inconsiderate neighbors from right here in the US. And as for the not speaking English thing, it sounds to me like you don't really want to be spending much time with them in the first place, so it shouldn't bother you.
  7. No, I think that's definitely worth something, especially for a 22 year old kid. Heck, you can tell Marshawn is an alright guy just from watching the way he interacts with his teammates on the sidelines. If I had one suggestion for Marshawn, it would be to find some higher quality people to hang out with. Actually, if I had ONE suggestion, it would be to get his weapons licensed. It isn't hard.
  8. Jihad refers to the inner struggle that a Muslim endures to improve his society and improve his personal relationship with Allah. How do you toss the sacred practice of jihad in with suicide bombings and beheadings?
  9. I think you're misunderstanding his quote a bit, and that the two of you actually agree. He seems to be criticizing the fact that there isn't an open dialogue regarding race, that's what he means by cowards I think. Based on the last line of your post, it seems you're in agreement.
  10. True, Buffalo isn't a "sexy" city. From an optimistic standpoint, I'm sure there are free agents out there who would prefer the less sexy city. Many people do not desire the limelight. We can only hope Fat Albert is one of those people. Of course, that's assuming RW would dish out the necessary dough in the first place.
  11. I'm going to go right ahead and boycott ESPN football coverage if they cut you out of it.
  12. Haha, I read my post and realized what a tool I sounded like. Whaddayagonnado though?
  13. Neither, Mr. Graham, and DrDank's simplification of the personalities in the Buffalo sports media is really off base. I'm a Cornell student aiming for a job in the sports media, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm a really big fan of your work. If it seems like I'm kissing a*s, well, yes I am.
  14. When it comes to physically looking like an ape, nobody can beat Bobby Abreu. And no, I don't believe any of this is racist. Just observational.
  15. And what exactly is wrong with these foreigners? Personally, I've relished every opportunity I've had to spend outside the US.
  16. Did I say I was better than religious people? No. In fact, I acknowledged that religion, when interpreted the correct way, can be a very good thing. I am, on the other hand, more enlightened than people who interpret their religion to mean that all other peoples of the world should rot in eternal fire and brimstone.
  17. Well, I'm ready to condemn all religion, including Islam. All religious debate essentially boils down to "My imaginary friend is the only REAL imaginary friend." Yes, I suppose it gives comfort to some people and there are folks out there who have been motivated by their religion to do amazing things. On the other hand, it has caused A LOT more divisiveness than it has caused good. There are Muslim people who think all Christians and Jews should die. There are Christians who believe all Muslims and Jews should die. There are Jews who believe all Christians and Muslims should die. At it's core, it is nothing more than a vicious cycle of hatred. Religion, throughout history, has been the largest factor separating the cultures of the world from unity. How could you consider it a good thing. Here's what I believe; Anybody who considers themselves superior to another race because they believe in the correct "God" is a freaking idiot. Anybody who categorizes an entire group of people as animals (I'm looking at you BuffalOhio) is a hate-mongering asshat who wouldn't get into heaven. If it existed.
  18. If you want to see the animal, look in the mirror. Read the Old Testament of the Bible. If you're not a hypocrite, you'll call Christians animals too.
  19. We're all so glad that you decided to start another Lynch thread, and with such brilliant insight too. Simon says...
  20. Anybody who equates the Nazi Party with the entire Muslim religion isn't worth debating with. You say "Muslim support" as if it's a bad thing. They're human beings. 99% of them are probably good, decent human beings, just like most people in the world. You treat the situation as if Muslims in general are some rogue barbarian people.
  21. No problemo, amigo. I'll admit, even with the bum knee, I'm probably here more than I should be, being a student and all. I just loves my sports talk.
  22. I tore my ACL, so I've been doing a lot more staring at a computer screen than I normally would. And I don't suppose my girlfriend would like it very much if I saw "plenty". I was just messing around, man.
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