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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Chris Neil doesn't have "grit"...Chris Neil is dirty and shouldn't be in the NHL anymore, IMO. How many suspensions has he had? Five? Seven?
  2. And yet the game was tied with 6 minutes left to go, and we actually had more shots on goal than they did. Sabres didn't play a horrible game, the Flyers just happened to capitalize on our mistakes. The short handed goal was the one that killed me.
  3. Well said as always deano. And what can I say? They don't like me for some reason. I never said that the bombs shouldn't have been dropped. I mostly implied that we'll never know which option was the lesser of two evils and that more civilians, in the long run, PROBABLY died from the A bomb. Also, that Truman can't be blamed. World leaders have to make horrible decisions in war time. I'd be interested to see if people would be so cavalier about the loss of civilian life if it was two American cities that the bombs were dropped on. Let's flip the situation, hypothetically. Japan has the option of invading the US or dropping atomic bombs on Mesa, Arizona and Tacoma, Washington. They choose to drop the bombs, and the war ends. How do you feel about the Japanese? Did they make the right decision? Or are they monsters that killed millions? The life of an American soldier is no more valuable than the life of a Japanese civilian, so treat the bombings as they ought to be treated...a horrible, horrible tragedy. One of the worst the world has ever been witness to. A necessary tragedy? Maybe. We will never know. But when you say something like "You should thank god they dropped the bomb, or else you might never have been born", it cheapens the lives lost. Here's the thing about war...nobody wins. Ever.
  4. Not nearly as many. You and your straw man fallacies.
  5. Alas, we will never know. Either way, it was a Catch 22 for Truman. Nobody should have to make that decision.
  6. I don't know...he chose the lives of soldiers over the lives of civilians.
  7. I don't understand how this happens so often. Did Crabtree and Texas Tech think that nobody would ever figure out that he's 6 foot 1?
  8. I wasn't actually equating the US with the Muslim world. I was pointing out that using the violence in the Middle East as a condemnation of the entire Muslim religion is insane. It's not Islam or the K'oran, it is the nutjobs who alter the meaning of the words within the scriptures to endorse their violence. If you switch Islam with Christianity in the Middle East, the same nutjobs would find passages from the Bible to endorse their violence. And unfortunately, due to the lack of effectiveness and organization in the governments, those religious nutjobs have been allowed to gain power. The religion of Islam is not at fault, it is the people who misinterpret and abuse it.
  9. Ok I just assumed some of it was garbage time because the score was so lopsided. Anyway, Thigpen targeted Gonzales probably more than any QB targeted any receiver. If you look at Gonzales' game log, he has very consistent high numbers with Thigpen at QB. Not to say Scott couldn't have contained him a LITTLE better, but when a player is thrown to basically once every series of downs, he's going to wrack up some serious numbers.
  10. Wow, seems like fate intervened on this one. I read about a couple of others who were almost on the plane as well. Children are especially susceptible to survivors' guilt, so I'm just hoping these kids are going to be alright.
  11. Gaaahhh, kids, wives, amateur soccer games, back pain, not being able to golf whenever I want to...it's frightening to imagine.
  12. And you can bet that's why they chose her funeral. It will cause the most outrage, and that's what these attention whores thrive upon.
  13. So Lynch is the same story as Losman? Now I know you don't watch the games. So in your opinion, do YOU know how to spot a good running back? You seem like such a football expert...which team do you scout for? Probably the Lions, I'd imagine.
  14. Do I advocate it? There's nothing to advocate. Gay people are gay. That's like saying "I don't approve of people being Asian. Do you advocate it?"
  15. Yeah, I agree. I'm a big fan of the LB-SS hybrid type of guy. He's proven the ability to cover speedy tight ends like a SS, but unlike most safeties he can completely stop a player in his tracks when he makes a tackle. On top of this, I personally think Whitner's long term future is definitely at FS.
  16. Yeah, but I think Thigpen threw at him something like 19 times. Tyler Thigpen has a one track mind at QB, and it's Tony Gonzales. Also, a lot of that was in garbage time.
  17. I'm convinced you've never seen Marshawn run. You identify him as average because of his 4 yards per carry, so answer me this...is Kevin Faulk the best running back in the NFL? Statistics should be used as a drunk uses a lightpost...for support, not enlightenment. Yards per carry tells about 10 percent of the story for a running back.
  18. When I stop seeing on the news that there were more people killed due to drive by shootings, hate crimes, and gang related violence from a Christian dominated country like the US, then I will take the Christian religion off my crap list. See how stupid that sounds? But no, you are wise and safe. Safe from what exactly?
  19. The media is just a reflection of what people WANT to see reported. If the MSM didn't think that people found the WBC interesting (which we do), they wouldn't show it.
  20. I don't live in Buffalo anymore, or else I would do it myself...but I hope somebody organizes a group of people to make this protest doesn't happen. I'm not condoning actual physical violence (though it wouldn't break my heart), but if there is a group of baseball bat wielding folks present to make sure WBC knows they aren't welcome, it would be a service to the deceased and her family.
  21. RIP Mitch It seems that the life expectancy of a lineman is not long these days.
  22. Not defending the crazy mofo's, we're defending all of the innocent people that you paint as crazy with your oversized brush.
  23. I'm well aware of the way that the American media has butchered the meaning of the word. I was just trying to make a point.
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