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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. dude's not a journalist, he's a law student who thinks he's a journalist.
  2. Exactly. On a positive note, the pandas are almost all gone. Of course, there are the insane people on the environmental fringe who are trying to make new pandas (when everybody knows the babies are the most dangerous!), but the population is still on a decline, thank god.
  3. I'm actually fine with it, because I've long suspected that the pheasants have been plotting something. Always plotting...
  4. Leave the coyote alone. It's a predator in a wooded area, and it did what a predator does. Do we kill our house cats when they catch mice?
  5. What do you mean "you people"? What do YOU mean "you people"?
  6. They became friends in the movie, too. And no, they don't make it look like Dan White killed Milk because he hated gays. Did you watch the film? They make it very clear that White felt betrayed by Milk for his lack of political support after they became friends, and that White eventually became unstable. I guess Diane Feinstein isn't very good at interpreting movies. Besides, they don't hand out the Best Actor Oscar for historical accuracy. Do small inaccuracies cheapen the acting job he did?
  7. Yeah, because you're allowed to have your opinion but Sean Penn is a bastard for having his. Have you even seen Milk? What makes you think he didn't deserve the award?
  8. Yeah, IMO any other movie taking home the best picture would have been a travesty.
  9. We would definitely have to come up with a nickname for the double fred backfield.
  10. Really? REALLY? Is this what the thread has devolved to? It's like a thread about the greatest football player in his prime...and 838 posts later somebody nominates Mike Williams.
  11. I'll be a LOT more skeptical than I was this year...having said that, yes, if you can't get excited over a 5-1 record there's no reason to watch at all.
  12. I teleported 40 yards unofficially. On the stat sheet, they marked me down for a 0.1, but it was actually much closer to just straight up 0.0.
  13. Here's my solution to most PC problems...buy a Mac.
  14. We have nuances this year? Awesome! Maybe the next season, we can pick up some intricacies.
  15. The first one is not so much "stupid" as it is ignorant to the nature of the NFL season. The second one, on the other hand, is one of the dumbest things I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Anybody who thinks a Bills fan would just pack up their family and move to a different city to follow a football team isn't in touch with reality one bit.
  16. If you think that was the dumbest post of the year, you haven't been paying close enough attention.
  17. I'd be all for it...to me, it's a sign that we'll be more committed to the run this year. And hey, Freddy is past his prime but it never hurts to have a 10,000 yard rusher on the roster.
  18. I know how tempting the shiny new toy is for a front office, but this year they need to solidify our defensive line with the first pick, plain and simple.
  19. Holy crap. This story is tragic and mind-boggling to say the least. I'm keeping an eye out for more details.
  20. It's not a stereotype to say that folks who grew up poor in the inner city (like many NFL players) are generally not as well behaved as folks who grew up in the quiet suburbs of Canada or the Northern US (like many NHL players). That's just common sense.
  21. If they were willing to fight to the last man, why did they surrender after the two bombs? I'm not being snarky here, I'm legitimately curious.
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