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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. So I shouldn't trust the textbooks and natural science journals I read? They tend to be written by folks who back up their research with something better than "I've got bears in my yard." You've offered zero insight into zoology or animal science and you've made some pretty lofty claims without backing them up whatsoever. You claimed that predation is a matter of bigger animals killing and eating anything smaller, and that bears > people. You also claimed that Brown Bear boars eat bear cubs, and I quote, "like candy", without backing it up. In retort of the former point, I provided data regarding human-bear interaction which clearly states bears rarely attack humans. In response, you had nothing to tell me besides that I have no idea what I'm talking about. So you tell me...who's coming off as more credible here?
  2. Yeah, I'll be sure to stay away from searching "Goggle". You're the one making ridiculous claims about animal behavior without any science to back it up. Do you disagree that bears are plant-eaters for the most part, and that they usually pose no risk to humans? By the way, do you think Alaska is the only place in the world where wildlife exists? Why is it you assume I've no idea what I'm talking about?
  3. Hey buddy, don't respond to me like I'm on the "Cut Lynch!" bandwagon, because I'm not, so don't tell me to get a grip. And hey, Taylor is a 33 year old running back (that is downright ancient for a RB), who is coming off the worst season of his injury-riddled, yet distinguished, career. He'd be a 3rd string back in New England too.
  4. Looks like you've got a bit of Chicken Little in you too. Why is Fred obviously going to NE?
  5. Well living in Alaska with the bears, you should know that 90% of their diet is vegetation (bears being closer to the herbivore side of the spectrum than carnivore). When they do prey, it is largely on spawning salmon along with the occasional young elk, deer, or caribou. Perhaps there have been examples of a brown bear eating its young (I can't find any), but this whole "they eat them like candy" nonsense is bull-honkey. Would you care to approach a zoologist with your "Size is all that matters to a predator" hypothesis and your "Brown bears eat brown bear cubs like candy" theory? By the way, there are an average of two fatal bear attacks each year in North America, and the majority have been due to the stupidity of the humans involved, so I wouldn't bother with the gun unless you feel like invading the bear's space. http://www.absc.usgs.gov/research/brownbea...n_conflicts.htm But please, feel free to disrespect this knowledge because I'm not from Alaska and I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about.
  6. Well I'll admit I've done no interviews, but apparently you've done interviews to get this "size is all that matters" tidbit. Animals have instincts. They use their senses. That's why bears don't eat baby bears. Yes, humans have been killed by bears, but I doubt you would find many examples of bears just chowing down on humans unprovoked.
  7. In all honesty, Trent might not live for very long after retirement, given the amount of head trauma he has endured. Even if he's lucky enough to live into his 70s or 80s, he will be dogged by horrible migraines for the remainder of it.
  8. Actually, it was 9 & 8 against Stephen Ames who had insulted Tiger a couple days before..."Anybody can beat Tiger, especially considering the way he's been hitting the ball." 10 & 8 is the worst possible beatdown, but I think Ames got the message anyway. So who does everybody think is going to win? I put 200 down on Geoff Ogilvy, which would be a return of about $2100. He barely won his first rounder against Kevin Sutherland after being up by 2 or 3 almost the whole match.
  9. And it was replaced by a show called The Pitts, which was cancelled after three episodes. Fox has been the most hit-or-miss network.
  10. Yeah. They look, sound, and smell different. And coyotes are actually pretty smart.
  11. So everybody worse than Adrian Peterson (aka all the other running backs in the NFL) are bums. And 15 yard gains are worthless if the RB gets caught by a linebacker? hahahaha where do you people come from? I suppose a 15 yard reception is no good at all if the WR gets tackled by a safety.
  12. So in your mind driving drunk is more excusable than possession of a weapon NOT on your person? Thousands are killed by drunk drivers each year. Nobody has ever been killed by a gun in the trunk.
  13. Bernie Mac was a vastly underrated comedian and actor.
  14. If you are up by 2 after the 16th hole, and then you tie the 17th hole, you win 2 & 1. If you are up by 2 after the 16th hole, and you WIN the 17th hole, you win 3 & 1.
  15. Seems to me like he was just giving advice, based on experience... Anyway, sorry to hear the news Dante. Seems like you've got the right attitude. This won't beat you, if you don't let it beat you. And I like the 95% odds. Good luck, sir.
  16. Richter is WAY funnier than Conan. Does anybody remember Andy Richter Controls the Universe? It was a short-lived show on Fox that was hilarious.
  17. Wasn't she supposedly waiting for marriage to lose her virginity? She dated Derek Jeter and he wasn't getting any.
  18. It was a fair question, but a postgame press conference isn't the time or place for that sort of question. You're supposed to ask basketball questions in that setting. It was obvious the jerk was just trying to make a name for himself.
  19. Skooby, here's my advice to you. Get high. You'll be less uptight.
  20. You should definitely try pot. Have you driven over the speed limit?
  21. If Royal doesn't get cut, it scares me into thinking that we aren't planning on picking up a TE in the first two rounds. Otherwise, it means the organization has zero confidence in Derek Fine and Derek Schouman as backups.
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