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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. And you assume we're done why? What makes you think we won't make better signings? It's been one freakin day.
  2. Thanks, I like watching football, so I will. By the way if we make the playoffs, I'll be the one laughing.
  3. Yeah, people seriously need to get a grip on reality and remember than the fan experience is supposed to be stressful, but still FUN.
  4. Wow, Truth Machine and WendyGirl are like two peas in a pod! Wendy creates a thread, and then Truth Machine responds positively toward it. It's really great how these two new posters (who are obviously completely different people) agree with each other on everything. Could we get an IP address check just to confirm its the same dude?
  5. Well, the player that is leading is referred to as being dormie. I've never heard a term for the trailing player. Doormat? I've played a lot of match play in my life, but I've never heard of a term that's the opposite of dormie.
  6. So then how was Nnamdi thriving in the same system?
  7. Well why the hell was Dockery trying to get open? He should have been blocking!
  8. In the world of sports, the words "underrated" and "overrated" are the two most overused terms. I actually find it funny when an entire panel of people decides that a certain player is underrated. If everybody agrees that a player is "underrated", he is no longer underrated!
  9. Yeah, as a rotating sixth O-lineman (for injury/depth purposes), I have no complaints about Chambers.
  10. Well that's why we've been clearing space, I would assume. I'd be baffled if we weren't after Brown or Saturday.
  11. It's worth something to have veteran leaders...if they don't cut the mustard, put them on the bench (which he will be next season I think), but there's no point just cutting him.
  12. Well duh. But that doesn't mean every single signing is a good one. Wilson is a below average safety.
  13. Yeah, I don't get that either...do we just not trust rookies?
  14. Supposedly Chris Kelsay is real leader on the defense, so he does have a value to the team. Once we draft a pass rusher, he won't have to start anymore so I don't see the harm in keeping him.
  15. Wooooo! Given the options in FA and the draft, it'd be almost impossible to screw this up now. Here's to hoping we have a plan!
  16. Good, Gibril Wilson sucks. I guess this means they aren't making an effort at resigning Yeremiah Bell? He's a lot better than Wilson.
  17. But what would be the point? It's not like the system is tough to understand...again, just a matter of semantics.
  18. Well, that's just a matter of semantics, and it doesn't take into account the holes that are halved. I do think, however, that each group of players should play 18 holes of golf even if the match is over by the 14th hole. What's the harm in playing a few extra holes for the enjoyment of the paying customers, even if the match is technically done?
  19. Ok, so what is the level of confidence around here about Kirk Chambers? If the plan is to go after Jason Brown at center, Chambers is the natural replacement at guard (unless we dip into FA twice for the O-line). Personally, I thought he held his own out there this season when called upon. He's most likely a slight downgrade from Dockery. However... Peters-Chambers-Brown-Butler-Walker sounds a heckuva lot better than Peters-Dockery-Fowler-Butler-Walker All in all, I'm a fan of this move as long as it involves bringing in a legitimate center.
  20. And Ames isn't exactly a duffer either! Just goes to show what happens when you light a fire under the belly of the Tiger...
  21. And what part of HAVING SOMETHING IN YOUR YARD DOESN'T MAKE YOU A FLIPPIN EXPERT don't you guys understand? I take it you've read the posts...so in your opinion, does he lend any credibility to what he says, or does he just expect it to be taken as gospel because he lives in that part of the world? Do you need to be from DC to understand politics? Do you need to be from Nebraska to understand steak? Do you need to be from Seattle to understand rain? And by the way, I love those of you that throw around the whole "college boy" thing like it's an insult. I'm 19, would you rather have me flipping burgers 40 hours a week? And by the way, I'm up because I'm writing a paper so just shove off.
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