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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I know it's hard to compare guards and tackles, but there is no freakin way that Dockery was better than Peters. And it's not so much that Dockery was bad, he just wasn't owrth 7 million dollars.
  2. Yeah, remember that game later on in the season when Williams ran for 4 touchdowns up the middle that were all 3 yards or fewer? I was really impressed by the push that the O-line was getting, and I'd be willing to bet a pretty penny that Hangartner was involved in those plays.
  3. If you loved the guy so much, why can't you spell his name right?
  4. never actually seen somebody mistake your and yore...but I make a point to never underestimate the stupidity of people
  5. It's "Should have", not "Should of" folks. Next time I see "We should of signed _______" I'm goin' postal.
  6. He's listed at 301. 225 is Fitzpatrick's weight, I'm sure that's the reason for the typo.
  7. Just read Hangartner scored a 47 on his Wonderlic. Fitzpatrick went to Harvard, TE's from Stanford, Jauron went to Yale...we're really turning into team Mensa.
  8. He's also one of those guys who gets dragged 3-5 yards every time they make a tackle.
  9. Fair enough, just seemed like you were being a little harsh on him.
  10. Or they drafted the best player available. I'm not familiar enough with the Panthers organization to honestly say why they drafted Khalil, but nothing I've seen or read suggests Hangartner is anything worse than average.
  11. I'm aware of what it means, I was just making an observation.
  12. Or maybe he just isn't as good as Ryan Khalil...there are backups out there who would start on most teams. He started 8 games last year and 15 the year before they got Khalil, and started admirably from what I read.
  13. How do you know? What's your assessment of Hangartner as a player?
  14. Here's to hoping that we officially ink Hangartner and that he helps to fix our problems with 3-4 defenses!
  15. Solely based on how effectively Williams and Stewart ran up the middle this year, I'd say we have a winner. He's a really big guy too.
  16. Because, as we all know, the quality of an administration can be judged by the final day.
  17. Ogilvy beat McIlroy and advances to the semifinals! Two more victories and I've got 2 grand!
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