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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. The Dolphins haven't gone after TJ Housh...would he be a bad signing? They haven't gone after Ray Lewis...I guess he's worthless too. Yeah, when it comes to free agent signings, we should just wait to see who the Dolphins interview and THEN go after them. Coles has averaged 80 receptions over the last 8 seasons, and has simply had impeccable consistency with no signs of slowing down. AND we're a team with only one legitimate receiving option (I love Reed to death but he is not a #2 receiver)...so please explain to me why we shouldn't sign Coles.
  2. If you want to insult the man by implying he spends all day checking this site, you should at least spell his name right.
  3. Actually three, if you include me. I live inside a gigantic football. Doesn't get anymore "football insider" than that.
  4. Haven't you heard? If you don't make your big acquisition in the first 24 hours of free agency, it doesn't count. Also, the draft no longer exists.
  5. Hmmmm, then we could have a Fast Freddy and a Fat Freddy. I like it.
  6. Uh, we already signed players at two of the positions we needed (one of whom might be our long term center of the future, fingers crossed) and we seem to be working diligently on a third one. So how exactly is the front office not helping out?
  7. I remember Spencer Johnson returning a couple of kicks by accident for us this year, with surprising success.
  8. I wouldn't count on it, she says that old folks' homes kind of creep her out.
  9. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drinks all around! And my friends said I was stupid betting on a field of 64.
  10. Yeah, because Coles and Housh are off the market right? WRONG.
  11. According to my girlfriend, that's "our song". Honestly, I have no idea why but it works 100% of the time.
  12. You got me hook, line and sinker. Well done, sir.
  13. Do you think the Jets are looking to trade up in the draft and snatch Sanchez? If they're desperate enough to get him, somebody (hopefully the Bills) could really fleece them out of some picks.
  14. Well as it stands now, Kirk Chambers would be his replacement and Chambers performed admirably this year. I don't know why you assume Dockery will be replaced by a "pretty bad player".
  15. For the sake of playing devil's advocate, would people be disgusted if this had happened to a 15 year old boy that had been taken into custody? Or would we be saying "Yeah, the little punk probably deserved it"? I'm not defending the cop, because that level of overreaction is inexcusable, but do you think that we're affected by the fact that it was a girl?
  16. Why does nobody notice that I used the word enormous? I didn't say he wouldn't make a difference...
  17. So being smart and being a viscious player on the field are mutually exclusive?
  18. Notice how I used the word enormous. I don't think Coles would make an enormous difference. Of course, it would be a positive addition and we do need another offensive weapon or two. Like I said before, Coles would probably gain 250-300 more yards than Reed would, and would probably be more effective in making sure Evans isn't double teamed quite as much. However, Coles has a reputation for being whiny and he is past his prime. Signing Coles would take our offense up a notch, but it wouldn't be as huge as some people might think. If anything, it would move our receiving corps from below average to average.
  19. Just wait for it, he's still going to be cut. After all, jonathan34thomas IS an intern at the buffalo news, so he should know.
  20. Yeah, I agree that he would give us a boost, I just don't think he would make an extreme impact. He'd probably be good for 250-300 more yards than Reed if he has a good season.
  21. I don't personally think Coles would make an enormous difference next year, but if the signing would make people shut up about how the front office isn't trying then I'm all for it.
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