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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I don't disagree that he's done his time in the eyes of the law. But football players are essentially employees of the NFL (and their team of course)...so why should he be hired back? It frustrates me that he gets to go right back to living the high life after a relatively short stint in prison where he was probably more of a celebrity among the inmates than anything. Just my guess.
  2. +1 There are very few things that could prevent me from supporting the Bills, but signing a man who made a habit of intentionally and brutally murdering innocent dogs (seemingly without remorse)...that would be my breaking point. How is Goodell even letting this guy back into the NFL?
  3. Have you watched a Pistons game lately? Puts you right to sleep.
  4. My point was that DTs can still be incredibly crucial to pass rushing, even though they don't pick up as many sacks. I believe the reason for that is that a DT can't blindside a quarterback for the most part. If a DT bursts through the line, makes the QB panic and throw an INT...it's just as valuable as a DE who stealthily running behind the QBs back and stripping the ball.
  5. I wouldn't really say it's "all about sacks". It's all about pressuring the quarterback into making hasty/dumb decisions and getting a few sacks per game while you're at it. DTs don't get as many sacks because they can't approach the QB from the blindside (that's also why left defensive ends get more sacks than right defensive ends), but DTs CAN disrupt the pocket and decrease the amount of time the QB has to release the ball. They are also more important that DEs in a run stuffing capacity. Marcus Stround is good at both of those things, but unfortunately none of his line-mates is anywhere close to his level so he draws the double team almost every single time. That said, I think our talent at DT is better than our talent at DE and that a pass rushing DE is the biggest concern on our D-line.
  6. Yeah, the Norwood thing was clearly a joke. I wonder why Tim would quote him out of context like that...
  7. Yep... Kurt Warner: Worthless Ray Lewis: Worthless Jermaine Phillips: Worthless Phillip Buchanon: Worthless Derrick Ward: Worthless Darren Sharper: Worthless Marvin Harrison: Worthless Should I go on?
  8. Yup, because all the free agents have been signed.
  9. He seems like a smart guy and he isn't half bad as a writer, but he is the biggest know-it-all you'll find.
  10. Has anybody else noticed that all of the geniuses who start these "baaaahhh why don't we sign somebody whose name I recognize?" threads can't spell worth sh*t? There has to be a correlation yes?
  11. Please explain to me what you don't like about Hangartner's game. If you don't know anything about him as a football player, then you aren't qualified to rate the signing or compare him to Fowler. Does he allow penetration often? How is he with nose tackles? Is he effective at creating holes? Educate me on why Hangartner is equal in value to Fowler.
  12. We are all dumber for having read your post. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
  13. This just in...height rarely affects the quality of a wide receiver.
  14. Simply put, power corrupts. The true colors of a person show when you give them control over somebody else's fate. Some police officers unnecessarily bludgeon folks, some soldiers murder innocent civilians, etc.
  15. From an unbiased standpoint, Buffalo is MUCH closer than San Fran right now.
  16. Let's just wait until the day before the season starts, and pay him $7.75 an hour.
  17. These threads should be pinned and consolidated.
  18. I think that whenever somebody starts to criticize Holt (and barely anybody does), he just goes right back to polishing his Superbowl ring. But no, clearly he's a cancer to any playoff team.
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