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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. http://www.hulu.com/watch/57042/onion-news...esnt-fking-work I laughed my ass off.
  2. As of now, it looks like it. I expect us to draft a OG in maybe the 3rd round, and then perhaps replace Chambers as the starter in the 2010 season. Then again, I'd be fine picking up Waters too.
  3. What's with the attitude that white guys are worse than other races? I'll tell you this, he was better than Dockery, Preston, and Fowler.
  4. Hahaha you're not going to believe we signed Coles until you see actually see the contract, are you?
  5. So Sully is a hack because he isn't on par with Herman Melville and John Feinstein? I tell ya, there are a LOT of hacks out there.
  6. That was simply a perfectly thrown ball and a GREAT catch that the greatest CB in the world couldn't have defended. Don't worry about it.
  8. Well, you can do definitely do a lot worse for a 3rd string RB.
  9. Is that from So I Marriend an Axe Murderer? Fitzpatrick needs the big head to fit his Harvard brain inside.
  10. Wait, when did Quinn beat us? Don't you remember Rian Lindell kicking that 47 yard field goal and then being mobbed by his teammates before we made one last defensive stop to beat the Browns? Yeah, that was the game that got us back on track for making the playoffs. Honestly, I doubt that the Bills would have even won the Superbowl if Lindell misses that kick, seeing as we just barely snuck into the playoffs after the dramatic victory over the Patriots in week 17.
  11. I voted "just ok". Let me explain. It's not because they aren't nice to look at, it's because the pictures are not a rare commodity. You can type "hot girl" into google image search and find the same stuff.
  12. I think 3 years, 18 million is too much for him. If he's honestly looking for more than that, he'll probably be disappointed by the Bengals' offer too.
  13. Do you ever get tired of copy/pasting emails you get from conservative friends?
  14. It's a product of the media. Brady versus Manning, instead of Patriots versus Colts. Romo versus Manning, instead of Cowboys versus Giants.
  15. The only thing Roy Williams has ever contributed is a bad attitude and the Horse Collar rule.
  16. There's got to be some problem between Cutler and McDaniels. Why are they trying so hard to shop him?
  17. Well, seeing as you don't know EITHER of the guys' names, you're not fit to criticize their signings are you?
  18. Theoretically? Yes. Pragmatically? No. In a small market with just two teams that nearly EVERYBODY in the city cares deeply about, I believe the journalists are intrinsically allowed to take certain emotional liberties that larger market journalists would not. Case in point, Rick Jeanneret. He's the furthest thing away from unbiased, but folks who aren't Sabres fans don't listen to his broadcasts on a consistent basis, so it's not big deal. In New York City, Rangers fans, Islanders fans, and Devils fans all read the same paper. A columnist with an obvious pro-Islanders slant wouldn't be tolerated. At the Buffalo News, such a problem doesn't exist. Bills and Sabres fans take a ride on the emotional roller coaster every time a game is on tv, and when you flip open the News the next morning it's almost comforting to know that the guy talking about the team was on the same ride. Sullivan's usage of vapid pessimism is often distasteful to me, but he cares and I like that. Just my humble opinion.
  19. Which is honestly befitting of the city. When it comes to having Bi-Polar fans, you've got Philadelphia, Buffalo, and then everybody else. Sullivan has his schtick, and he turned that schtick into a popular column. I'm not the hugest fan, but I respect the niche that he's dug out for himself.
  20. Nah, man. This lady had to pound the damn thing at least five times before it broke. For my girl, it only takes one.
  21. I met Alicia when I traveled to Brown about a month ago. She is freakin hot!
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